Vol. 5, No 1, 2007 pp. 1 - 7
UDC 796.525 : 616.001
Scientific Paper

Ahanjan Shahram, Abdulmalek Farzad, Rajabi Reza
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
E-mail: ahanjan@mail.ru

Abstract.The purpose of this study was to consider to prevalence of muscular - skeleton injuries in rock climbing, and to determine some individual performance factors such as the maximum grade of climbing, skillful hand and common type of climbing on the existence and circumstances of the injuries. In the period from February to April 2005, the previous or present injuries of 50 climbers were assessed via a clinical examination of their fingers, palms, wrists, forearms, elbows, arms and shoulder girdles. After the data gathering, statistical analyses were carried out to obtain results about the prevalence of muscular - skeleton injuries. About half of the injuries were to the fingers and the rest were approximately divided equally between the elbows-forearms and shoulder girdles. Most injury prevalence consisted of collateral ligament strain of the PIP joints, FDS and FDP muscle strain, rotator cuff muscle strain and A2 annular pulley strain. The injury prevalence rate on the basis of its appearance in the fingers is regularly found in the ring, middle, index and small finger. In subsequent processes, inferential statistics results show that among the mentioned factors, there was a significant difference in the mean of the climbing maximum grade between the groups of climbers that sustained injuries and groups of climbers without injuries (p=0.000, t=4.72). In the same way, there was a significant positive correlation between the maximum grade of climbing and the intensity of the A2 annular pulley injuries (p=0.042, r=72.5).
Key words:  muscular-skeleton injuries, rock climbers, annular pulley system, maximum grade of climbing, skillful hand, type of climbing

Svrha ove studije je da se uzme u obzir rasprostranjenost mišićno-koštanih povreda kod penjača po stenama, i određivanje nekih individualnih faktora izvođenja, kao što su: maksimalni stupanj penjanja, spretnost ruke i uobičajeni tip penjanja na postojanje i okolnosti povreda. Od februara do aprila 2005. godine prethodne ili trenutne povrede kod 50 penjača su kliničkim pregledima utvrđene na prstima, dlanovima, zglobovima, podlakticama, laktovima, rukama i ramenom pojasu. Nakon prikupljanja podataka i statističke analize o rasprostranjenosti mišićno-koštanih povreda utvrđeni su sledeći rezultati: oko polovine povreda se vezuju za prste, druga polovima približno je jednako podeljena između laktova-podlaktica i ramenog pojasa. Najveća rasprostranjenost povreda vezuje se za posredno istezanje PIP ligamentnih veza, FDS i FDP mišićnih istezanja, istezanja rotatora Cuff mišića i istezanje A2 prstenastog koturača. Rasprostranjenost povreda koje se pojavljuju kod prstiju najčešće se vezuje za domali prst, srednji prst, kažiprst i mali prst. Statistički rezultati pokazuju da, pored spomenutih faktora je postojala i značajna razlika u srednjoj vrednosti maksimalnih stupnjeva penjanja između grupe penjača koja je imala povrede i one koja nije imala povrede (p=0,000, t=4,72). Na isti način uočena je značajna pozitivna korelacija između maksimalnog stupnja penjanja i intenziteta povreda prstenastog koturača A2 (p=0,042, r=72,5).
Kljune rei: mišićno-koštane povrede, penjači po stenama, prstenasti sistem koturača, maksimalni stupanj penjanja, spretna ruka, tip penjanja