Vol. 4, No 2, 2006 pp. 115 - 123
UDC 504.75: -053.81
Scientific Paper


Rado Pišot1,2, Veronika L. Kropej1
1Institute of Kinesiology Research at the Science and Research Center of Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia
2Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, Slovenia
E-mail: rado.pisot@pef.upr.si
E-mail: veronikalucija.kropej@zrs-kp.si

Abstract. The purpose of this present research was to find out the correlation between the perception of quality of life (QL) and physical/sports activity (P/Sa) in youths (girls: n = 412; 18.43 ± 1.5 yrs; boys: n = 520; 18.51 ± 1.72 yrs) in Slovenia. The subjects were asked to evaluate the quality of their life (QL) (excellent, very good, good, poor, very poor) and to fill in other variables regarding the economic indicators of their families, the tidiness of the family environment, leisure activities, level of overnourishment and some motor abilities. In a further analysis we investigated the differences between two extreme groups, according to their self-rated QL (very good - excellent as one extremity and poor - very poor as the other one). In the case of the subjects who declared to have poor quality of life (PQL) a lack of interest emerges for sports engagement. They show substantially worse results in the trunk-raising test (TR) as well as in the 600m-running test (T600m) than the subjects who declared to have a good quality of life (GQL) (P = 0.05). These findings point out a need for a holistic treatment of the problem. Everyone involved in the promotion, stimulation, organization and management of P/Sa contents must reflect upon these findings.
Key words:  youths, life quality, physical/sports activity

Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se pronađe veza između sagledavanja kvaliteta života (QL) i fizičke/sportske aktivnosti mladih (devojaka: n= 412; 18.,43 ± 1.5 godina; mladića n = 520; 18.51 ± 1.72 godina) u Sloveniji. Od ispitanika se tra?ilo da procene kvalitet njihovog života (QL: odličan, veoma dobar, dobar, loš, veoma loš) i da daju i ostale podatke-varijable vezane za status njihovih porodica, čistotu porodičnog ambijenta, slobodne aktivnosti, nivo ishranjenosti i neke motorne sposobnosti. U daljoj analizi ispitivane su razlike između dve ekstremne grupe prema njihovim samoprocenama o kvalitetu života (veoma dobar-savršen kao jedan ekstrem i loš-veoma loš kao drugi ekstrem). U grupi koja je izjavila da ima loš kvalitet života (PQL) javlja se nedostatak interesovanja za sportsko anga?ovanje. Ovi ispitanici pokazuju značajnije loše rezultate u podizanju trupa kao na testu trčanja na 600 metara, ako ih poredimo sa ispitanicima koji su izjavili da imaju dobar kvalitet života (GQL) (p = 0.05). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu holističkog sagledavanja problema. Stoga svi koji su zaduženi za fizičke/sportske aktivnosti moraju da uzmu u obzir ove rezultate prilikom promocije, stimulacije, organizacije i menadžmenta sportskih sadržaja.
Ključne reči: mladi, kvalitet života, fizičke/sportske aktivnosti