Vol. 4, No 2, 2006 pp. 103 - 114
UDC 796-012.4
Scientific Paper


Milan Čoh, Katja Tomažin, Stanko Štuhec
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: milan.coh@fsp.uni-lj.si

Abstract. The study analyzed and identified the major kinematic parameters of the phases of the sprint start and block acceleration that influence the results of sprint running. The biomechanical measurements and kinematic analysis were performed on the best world's best sprinter during his preparation for the European Athletics Championship in Goetebourg in 2006. In this competition, Matić Osovnikar won the bronze medal in the 100-metre run and set the Slovenian national record with 10.14 s. The kinematic parameters of the sprint start were established on the basis of a 2-D kinematic analysis, using a high-speed camera with a frequency of 200 frames/sec. The measurements of the block acceleration were made by means of the Opto Track technology and an infra-red photo cell system. The athlete performed five, 20m low-start sprints under constant and controlled measurement conditions. The subject of the study was the set position from the point of view of the height of the total body's centre of gravity (TBCG), the block time at the front and rear blocks, block velocity, the block face angle, the velocity of the TBCG in the first three meters and the kinematic parameters of block acceleration in the first ten steps. The study showed the following were the key performance factors in the two phases of sprint running: medium start block distance, block velocity, low block face angles, first step length, low vertical rise in the TBCG in the first three meters of block acceleration, contact phase/flight phase index in the first ten steps and the optimal ratio between the length and frequency of steps.
Key words:  sprint start, block acceleration, technique, kinematics, top sprinter

Ovo istraživanje analizira i indentifikuje glavne kinematičke parametre faza sprinterskog starta i bloka ubrzanja koji utiču na rezultate u sprinterskom trčanju. Biomehanička merenja i kinematička analiza su urađeni na najboljem svetskom sprinteru tokom njegovih priprema za Evropsko atletsko prvenstvo u Geteborgu 2006. godine. U ovom takmičenju Matic Osovnikar
je osvojio bronzanu medalju u trci na 100 metara i postavio slovenački rekord od 10,14s. Kinematički parametri sprinterskog starta su ustanovljeni putem 2-D kinematičke analize. Kinematički parametri sprinterskog starta su upoređivani pomoću 2-D kinematičke analize i visokobrzinske kamere frekvencije 200 F/s. Merenja ubrzanja na blokovima su urađena pomoću opto Track tehnologije i infracrvenim fotoćelijskim sistemom. Takmičar je izveo pet niskostartnih sprinteva na 20 metara u konstantnim i kontrolisanim uslovima merenja. Cilj istraživanja je startna pozicija uzimajući u obzir visinu celog tela u središtu gravitacije (TBCG),  vreme na prednjem i zadnjem bloku, brzinu na bloku, ugao na bloku, brzinu TBCG u prva tri metra na bloku, indeks faze kontakta/trčanja u prvih deset koraka i optimalni odnos dužine i frekvencije koraka.
Ključne reči: sprinterski start, ubrzanje na bloku, tehnika, kinematika, vrhunski sprinter