Vol. 4, No 1, 2006 pp. 49 - 58
UDC 796.012.412 : 613.98
Scientific Paper

Róbert Paróczai1, Zoltán Bejek2, Árpád Illyés2,
László Kocsis
1, Rita M. Kiss3
1Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
2Semmelweis University, Department of Orthopaedics, Budapest, Hungary
3Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Group of Structures Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: kiss@vbt.bme.hu

Abstract. Walking is one of the most common human movements. It means to transport the body safely and efficiently across ground level, uphill or downhill. Walking is learned during the first year of life and reaches maturity around the age of seven,remaining at the same level until 60. In old age one's walking performance starts to decline and it gradually slows down. With the increased life expectancy of the elderly and their more active lifestyle, there is now an emphasis on determining any changes that occur in their gait patterns, in order to indentify diagnostic measures that are usable for monitoring the rehabilitation process after endoprothesis implantation. The aim of this study is to determine how selected kinematical, kinetic and electromyographical parameters may change as a result of aging. A total of 31 healthy elderly subjects without any history of lower extremity joint pathology were investigated at constant gait speed (three km/h). The gait analysis equipment used consisted of an infinitely adjustable treadmill with force-plates and an ultrasound-based motion analyser with a surface electromyograph. Spatial-temporal, angular, kinetic and electromyographical parameters were recorded for the lower extremities. The results obtained from the lower limb were compared on both sides as well as with those of 50 healthy young individuals collected from our database. The elderly had a significantly shorter step length and wider step width compared to the results of a young control group. Our results showed that the aged individuals demostrated a statistically lesser range of motion in different joints during walking. We suggested that neurophysiological changes associated with aging might result in the less certainty of the neuromuscular system in selecting a stable gait.
Key words:  gait analysis, kinematics, kinetics, electromyography, the elderly

Hodanje je jedno od najčešćih ljudskih kretnji. To je način transportovanja tela sigurno i efikasno po zemlji, uzbrdo ili nizbrdo. Hodanje se uči tokom prve godine života i postiže svoj maksimum oko sedme godine i ostaje na tom nivou sve do 60 godine života. Kod starijih osoba hodanje počinje postepeno da opada u kvalitetu. Sa produžetkom životnog veka starijih osoba i njihovim aktivnijim načinom života sada postaje imperativ utvrđivanje bilo kakvih promena u načinu njihovog hodanja kako bi se odredile dijagnostičke metode koje bi pomogle u procesu kontrole rehabilitacije nakon implantacije endoproteze. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se odredi kako selektivni kinematički, kinetički elektromiografski parametri mogu da utiču na promenu statusa kao rezultat starenja. Istraživan je uzorak od ukupno 31 starijeg ispitanika bez istorije patologije donjih ekstremiteta pri konstatnoj brzini hoda (3 km/h). Oprema za analizu hoda sastojala se od podešive staze za hodanje sa pločama za određivanje snage i ultrazvučnog analizatora pokreta sa površinskim elektromiografom. Registrovani su spacijalno-temporalni, angularni, kinetički i elektromiografski parametri za donje ekstremitete. Dobijeni rezultati za donje ekstremitete su upoređivani za obe strane kao i sa primerima 50 zdravih mladih osoba, preuzetih iz naše baze podataka. Stariji ispitanici su pokazali značajno kraće dužine koraka i veće širine koraka u poređenju sa mlađom kontrolnom grupom.
Ključne reči: analiza hodanja, kinematika, kinetika, elektromiografija, odrasli