Vol. 4, No 1, 2006 pp. 27 - 34
UDC 796.012:617.3
Scientific Paper
Árpád Illyés1, Zoltán Bejek1,
István Szlávik1,
Róbert Paróczai2, Rita M. Kiss3
University, Department of Orthopaedics 1113 Budapest, Hungary
2Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest
University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
3Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research
Group of Structures 1111 Budapest, Hungary,
Е-mail: kiss@vbt.bme.hu
Abstract. The gait of 20 patients with unilateral hip disease,
who underwent total hip arthroplasty (THA), was analyzed preoperatively
and 12 months after a unilateral THA, using a zebris ultrasound-based
three-dimensional motion analysis system. The constant gait speed was
2.5 km/h. The spatial-temporal and angular parameters were compared to
the gait parameters of 20 healthy, elderly subjects. The aim of this
study is to determine how selected gait parameters may change as a
result of total hip arthoplasty at a constant gait speed. Before the
THA, asymmetry was observed in spatial-temporal parameters, in the
range of hip motion, maximum hip flexion, maximum hip extension, as
well as in knee motion. Therefore, it was suggested that the increased
motion of the opposite hip and knee was a compensatory function. The
study showed that increased pelvic obliquity and flexion-extension
occurred as compensation. It seems that the range of pelvic rotation
was not involved, even in our patients with unilateral osteoarthritis
of the hip joint. At 12 months after the THA, no asymmetry of
spatial-temporal parameters and of the knee and hip joint motion could
be observed, and the increased pelvic motion also became less
significant. Therefore, this study suggested that the THA could reverse
the adverse influence on other joints prior to the symmetrical
normalization of hip motion.
Key words: biomechanics, gait analysis, osteoarthritis,
hip, total hip arthroplasty (THA)
Uzorak čini 20 pacijenata sa unilateralnom bolešću kuka koji su
podvrgnuti totalnoj artroplastiji kuka (THA), a analiza hoda je urađena
preoperativno i 12 meseci nakon unilateralne THA pomoću zebris
ultrazvučne, trodimenzionalne analize pokreta. Konstantna hodajuća
brzina je bila 2.5 km/h. Spacijalno-temporalni i uglovni parametri su
upoređivani sa parametrima hodanja 20 starijih zdravih ispitanika. Cilj
ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi kako selektovani parametri hoda mogu
da se promene kao rezultat totalne artoplastije kuka pri
konstatnoj brzini hoda. Pre THA asimetrija je primećena u
spacijalno-temporalnim parametrima u oblasti pokretljivosti kuka,
maksimalne ekstenzije kuka, kao i pri kretanju kolena. Stoga se
preporučuje da povećana pokretljivost suprotnog kuka i kolena može biti
smatrana kompenzatornom funkcijom. Istraživanje je pokazalo da povećana
ukošenost karlice i fleksija-ekstenzija nastaje kao kompenzatorna
pojava. Čini se da obim rotacije karlice nema uticaja čak ni kod naših
pacijenata sa unilateralnim osteoartritisom zloba kuka. 12 meseci nakon
THA intevencije nije se mogla primetiti asimetrija
spacijalno-temporalnih parametara u oblasti kolena i zgloba kuka a i
povećana pokretljivost karlice je takođe imala manju značajnost. Možemo
zaključiti da istraživanje pokazuje da THA zahvat može da ublaži loš
uticaj i na ostale zglobove pre simetrične normalizacije pokretljivosti
Ključne reči: biomehanika, osteoartritis, kuk, totalna
artroplastija kuka (THA)