Vol. 4, No 1, 2006 pp. 17 - 25
UDC 796.1:012.43
Scientific Paper


Đurđica Miletić, Radmila Kostić
Faculty of Natural Sciences Mathematics & Education, University of Split, Croatia
E-mail: mileticd@pmfst.hr
Faculty of Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia

Abstract. The aim of the present study was to establish the probable influence of characteristic motor abilities and morphological characteristics on the arabesque and passé pivots performance in a sample of 53 girls (mean age 7.1 ± 0.3 years), who had three months of training experience. The sample of variables consisted of 10 tests of basic motor abilities, eight standard tests for assessing morphological characteristics and two  specific-pivot  performance tests, in which five judges evaluated performance. The regression analysis was utilized to establish relations between the scores of motor and morphological tests and the pivots performance marks. The results obtained showed statistically significant multiple correlations between motor–morphological variables and both tests applied for assessing pivot performance. The test for assessing agility (side steps), flexibility (shoulder flex) and adipose tissue (calf skinfold) have a significant predictive value (Beta coefficient) for the performance of the arabesque pivot. According to the study results, a training process with the special goal of learning pivots intended for different aesthetic sport novices should be programmed to include the preset objectives for the development of agility, flexibility and adipose tissue reduction.
Key words:  aesthetic movements, anthropologic features, regression analysis, seven-year old girls

Cilj istraživanja bio je na uzorku 53 djevojčice (prosečne starosti 7,1 ± 0,3 godina), nakon tromjesečnog trenažnog procesa učenja,utvrditi mogući utjecaj motoričkih sposobnosti i morfoloških karakteristika na izvođenje arabesque i passé okreta. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 10 standardnih testova za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti, osam standardnih testova za procenu morfoloških karakteristika i dva specifična testa za procenu stepena izvođenja okreta, čije je izvođenje procenjivalo pet nezavisnih sutkinja. Za utvrđivanje relacija između morfološko – motoričkog prostora i ocena postignutih u izvođenju okreta, primenjena je regresiona analiza. Dobivene su statistički značajne multiple korelacije između motoričko–morfoloških varijabli i oba testa za procenu količine izvođenja okreta. Testovi za procenu agilnosti (koraci u stranu), fleksibilnosti (iskret) i potkožnog masnog tkiva (kožni nabor potkolenice) indukuju značajnu prediktivnu povezanost (Beta koeficijent) sa izvođenjem arabesque okreta. Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja, trenažni proces za početnice u sportskim disciplinama s estetskom komponentom, posebno kod učenja okreta, mora se programirati, s istaknutim ciljevima razvoja agilnosti i fleksibilnosti i smanjenja postotka masnog tkiva.
Ključne reči: estetska kretanja, antropološka obeležja, regresiona analiza, sedmogodišnjakinje