Vol. 4, No 1, 2006 pp. 1 - 8
UDC 796.015.52
Scientific Paper

Rahman Rahimi1*, Parvin Arshadi2, Naser Behpur2,
Saeed Sadeghi Boroujerdi1, Mohammad Rahimi3

1Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran
2Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
3Department of Physics, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran 
*E-mail: Ra_Rahimy@Yahoo.com

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of six weeks of plyometric training, weight training and their combination on angular velocity during a 60-second test cycle ergometer. Based on their training, forty-eight male college students were divided into four groups: a plyometric training group (n=13), a weight training group (n=11), a plyometric plus weight training group (n=14), and a control group (n=10). The angular velocity was measured by a 15 and 60-second cycle ergometer test before and after a six-week training period. Subjects in each of the training groups trained two days per week, whereas the control subjects did not participate in any training activity. The data was analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance (repeated-measures design). The results showed that all the training treatments elicited significant (P<0.05) improvement in angular velocity. However, the combination training group showed signs of improvement in the angular velocity that was significantly greater than the improvement of the other two training groups (plyometric training and weight training). It was concluded that a combination of traditional weight training and plyometric drills "complex training" enhance angular velocity production in cycling. Therefore, complex training may help improve performance in sprint cycling that requires angular velocity, angular acceleration and power.
Key words:  plyometrics, angular velocity, weight training

Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat šestonedeljnog pliometrijskog treninga, treninga snage i njihove kombinacije i uticaj na uglovnu brzinu tokom 60 sekundnog testa na bicikl-ergometru. Zavisno od treninga 48 muškaraca studenata koledža je podeljeno na četiri grupe: grupa koja ima pliometrijski trening (n=13), grupa na treningu snage (n=11), grupa koja je podvrgnuta kombinaciji ove dve vrste treninga (n=14) i kontrolna grupa (n=10). Uglovna brzina je merena u 15 šezdesetsekundnih bicikl-ergometar testova pre i nakon šestonedeljnog treninga. Ispitanici u svakoj od navedenih grupa trenirali su 2 dana u nedelji dok  kontrolni ispitanici nisu učestvovali ni u jednoj aktivnosti. Podaci su analizirani jednosmernom analizom varijanse (ponovljena merenja). Rezultati su pokazali da su svi ispitanici koji su trenirali postigli znatno poboljšanje uglovne brzine (P<0,05). Međutim, ispitanici iz grupe koja je imala kombinovani trening su imali značajnije veće povećanje uglovne brzine u odnosu na ostale dve grupe (pliometrijski i trening snage). Zaključeno je da kombinacija tradicionalnog treninga i pliometrijskih dril "kompleksnijih treninga" omogućava postizanje veće uglovne brzine u vožnji bicikla. Stoga kompleksno treniranje može pomoći da.
Ključne reči: pliometrija, uglovna brzina, trening snage