Vol. 3, No 1, 2005 pp. 59 - 68
UDC 616.8-009.11:616.88-009.18
Scientific Paper


Mónika Horváth1, M. Fazekas2, Tekla Tihanyi1, József Tihanyi1
1Semmelweis University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science
2Saint John Hospital, Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: tihany@mail.hupe.hu

Abstract. The objective of the present study was to investigate the postural stability of hemiplegic patients as opposed to that of healthy subjects and to compare patients with right or left hemispheric lesions. Twenty hemiparetic patients (12 female and 8 male) and nine healthy subjects of the same age (8 females and 2 males) volunteered for the study. The subjects were tested under three conditions. 1. Habitual, quiet standing on both feet for 1 minute, eyes open or closed. The centre of pressure excursion was determined. 2. Measurement of body sway which determines head and shoulder movement as part of the Romberg test. 3. The Fukuda stepping test. The length of the excursion of the centre of pressure for hemiplegic subjects was longer than for the healthy subjects especially in the eyes closed condition. Body sway was significantly greater for patients with right hemisphere lesions. In the Romberg test the hemiparetic patients showed longer anteror-posterior and latero-medial head excursions compared to normal subjects. The patients with right hemisphere lesions displayed greater values than the patients with a right hemiparesis except for the neck tilt. In the Fukuda stepping test the forward, lateral and angle deviation, and rotation on the vertical axis were significantly greater for hemiparetic subjects. The left side paretic patients showed greater forward deviation, but significantly less rotation on the vertical axis. We concluded that the visual input plays a more significant role for hemiparetic patients than for healthy people. Right hemisphere lesions, compared to those of the left hemisphere, worsen standing stability. It seems that the vestibular area in the central nervous system was damaged in most of the patients studied because the side on which the hemisphere lesion was located had a greater influence on body rotation and lateral deviation than the side dominance.
Key words:  hemiplegia, body sway, stepping test.

Cilj ove studije je bio da se ispita posturalna stabilnost hemiplegičnih pacijenata u odnosu na zdrave osobe kao i uporedjenje stanja pacijenata sa lezijom leve ili desne hemisfere. Uzorak je činilo 20 hemiparetičnih pacijenata (12 žena i 8 muškaraca) i 10 zdravih osoba iste starosne dobi (osam žena i dva muškarca). Ispitanici su testirani na tri različita načina. 1. Uobičajeno, mirno stajanje na obe noge u roku od jedne minute sa otvorenim ili zatvorenim očima. Tako se odredjivao centar pritiska. 2. Merio se otklon tela odnosno kretanje glave i ramena putem Rombergovog testa. 3. Radjen je Fukuda steping test. Dužina izmeštanja centra pritiska kod hemiplegičnih pacijenata je bila veća u odnosu na zdrave osobe naročito kada su im oči bile zatvorene. Otklon tela je bio značajno veći kod pacijenata sa lezijom desne hemisfere. Kada je radjen Rombergov test hemiparetični pacijenti su pokazali duže anteriorno-posteriorno i lateralno-medijalno okretanje glave u poredjenju sa zdravim ispitanicima. Pacijenti sa lezijom desne hemisfere su pokazali veće vrednosti u odnosu na paretične pacijente na desnoj strani tela, osim dužine okreta vrata.
Prilikom primene Fukuda steping testa lateralna, ugaona i devijacija unapred kao i rotacija oko vertikalne ose su bile znatno veće kod hemipareticnih ispitanika. Pacijenti sa parezom na levoj strani su pokazali vežu devijaciju u kretanju napred ali su zato imali značajno manju rotaciju oko vertikalne ose. Mi smo, stoga zaključili da vizuelni input ima mnogo veću ulogu kod hemiparetičnih pacijenata nego li kod zdravih osoba. Lezija desne hemisfere u mnogome pogoršava telesnu stabilnost pacijenata nego li kada je u pitanju lezija leve hemisfere. Čini se da je vestibularna oblast u centralnom nervnom sistemu bila oštećena kod većine ispitanih pacijenata zato što je strana lezije hemisfere imala veći uticaj na rotaciju tela i lateralnu devijaciju nego li dominantnost strane oštećenja.
Ključne reči: hemiplegija, otklon tela, steping test.