Vol. 3, No 1, 2005 pp. 45 - 57
UDC 796.015.57:612.1
Scientific Paper

Radmila Kostić1, Meta Zagorc2
1University of Niš, Faculty of Physical Culture, Serbia and Montenegro
E-mail: rkost@medianis.net
2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, Slovenia

Abstract. The research compares the effects of two HI-LO models of aerobic training (aerobic dance) on the cardiovascular fitness of 29 women ages 25 to 30. The experimental program was carried out with the assistance of two experimental groups (E1: n = 15 and E2: n = 14). The "A" HI-LO aerobic dance model was realized over a period of 8 weeks, with fifty-minute training sessions three times a week. The "B" HI-LO aerobic dance model was realized over a period of 8 weeks, with 35-minute training sessions five times a week. The exercise intensity of the A and B models was the same (60-75% of the maximum). Cardiovascular fitness was evaluated by means of the following parameters: resting heart rate, heart rate under strain, systolic arterial blood pressure, and diastolic arterial blood pressure, absolute value of maximal oxygen uptake and relative value of maximal oxygen uptake. The data from the initial and final measurings was processed by means of a canonical discriminant analysis. Between the groups (E1 and E2) at the initial and final measurings there was no statistically significant difference regarding the studied variables. The effects of both of the HI-LO aerobic dance models are, on the basis of the results, statistically significant in their entirety. The variables which contributed in particular to the discrimination of the initial and final measuring results for the E1 and E2 groups are: resting heart rate and the relative value of maximal oxygen uptake. It was concluded that the effects of the two HI-LO aerobic dance models on cardiovascular fitness are equally beneficial, if aerobic dance is practiced over a longer period of time with training sessions three times a week, or if it is practiced five times a week for a shorter period of time, on condition that the intensity of the exercise remains the same.
Key words:  cardiovascular fitness, aerobic dance, training, women.

U istraživanju se upoređuju efekti dva HI-LO modela aerobnog vežbanja (plesnog aerobika) na kardiovaskularni fitnes 29 žena starih od 25 do 30 godina. Eksperimentalni program su realizovale dve eksperimentalne grupe (E1:n=15 i E2:n=14). "A" HI-LO model plesnog aerobika realizovan je osam nedelja, tri puta nedeljno sa pojedinačnim trajanjem treninga 50 minuta. "B" HI-LO model plesnog aerobika realizovan je osam nedelja, pet puta nedeljno sa pojedinačnim trajanjem treninga 35 minuta. Intenzitet vežbanja A i B modela je bio isti (60-75% maksimalnog srcanog rada). Kardiovaskularni fitnes je procenjen sa sledećim parametrima: puls u miru, puls u opterećenju, sistolni arterijski krvni pritisak, dijastolni arterijski krvni pritisak, apsolutna vrednost maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika i relativna vrednost maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika. Podaci sa inicijalnog i finalnog merenja su obrađeni kanoničkom diskriminativnom analizom. Između grupa (E1 i E2) na inicijalnom i na finalnom merenju nije postojala statistički značajna razlika u primenjenim varijablama. Efekti oba modela HI-LO plesnog aerobika na kardiovaskularni fitnes su, na osnovu rezultata, statistički značajni u celini. Varijable koje su posebno doprinele diskriminaciji rezultata inicijalnog i finalnog merenja E1 grupe i E2 grupe su: puls u miru i relativna vrednost maksimalne potrošnje kiseonika. Zaključeno je da su efekti dva HI-LO modela plesnog aerobika na kardiovaskularni fitnes podjednako dobri, ako se plesni aerobik u kontinuitetu vežba duže vreme, a tri puta u nedelji, ili ako se vežba pet puta u nedelji, a kraće vreme, uz uslov da je intenzitet vežbanja isti.
Ključne reči: kardiovaskularni fitnes, VO2-max, plesni aerobik, trening, žene.