Vol. 2, No 1, 2004 pp. 45 - 59
UDC 796.012: 591.513
Scientific Paper

Milan Čoh1, Dragana Jovanović-Golubović2, Milovan Bratić2
1Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: milan.coh@sp.uni-lj.si
2Faculty of Physical Education, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro

Abstract. Motor learning is characterised by specific features and it incorporates laws that have to be observed throughout the various manifestations of an athlete�s motor activity. It is the process of acquiring, completing and using motor information, knowledge, experience and motor programs. Performing a certain movement is only possible if a suitable motor programme for it exists. The motor process starts with a definition of the desired result and consists of three interconnected phases: the phase of basic movement coordination, the phase of accurate movement coordination and the phase of movement coordination stabilisation under changeable and difficult circumstances. A precondition for efficient motor learning is an optimally accurate notion of movement which is based on the visual followed by the kinesthetic processing of information.
Key words:  motor learning, learning phases, motor programmes, motor memory, movement scheme.

Motoričko učenje ima specifični značaj i zakonitosti, koje moramo poštovati u raznim pojavnim oblicima motoričke aktivnosti sportiste. To je process usvajanja, upotpunjavanja i upotrebe motoričkih informacija, znanja, iskustva i motoričkih programa. Pokrete je moguće izvesti kada za njih postoji odgovarajući motorički program. Proces kretanja počinje određivanjem poželjnog rezultata pokreta i proizilazi u tri međusobno povezane faze: Faza osnovne koordinacije pokreta, faza precizne koordinacije pokreta i faza stabilizacije pokreta u promenljivim i otežanim okolnostima. Preduslov uspešnog motoričkog učenja je precizno izvedeni pokret, koji je ustaljen na vizuelnom i samim tim na kinestetičkom procesiranju informacija.
Ključne reči: motoričko učenje, motorički programi, motoričko pamćenje, shema pokreta.