Vol.1, No 10, 2003 pp. 23 - 32
UDC 796.035 : - 055.2
Scientific Paper

Radmila Kostić1, Milan Pešić2,Saša Pantelić1
1University of Niš, Faculty of Physical Education, Serbia & Montenegro
2Postgraduate student Faculty of Physical Education, Niš, Serbia & Montenegro
E-mail: rkost@medianis.net

Abstract. The aim of this research is to study the effects of resistance training on muscle strength in the recreational training of women. The sample of examinees used consisted of 45 women ages 40 through 50. The examinees were divided into three groups (two experimental groups and one control group), each numbering 15 women. The first experimental group trained two times a week. The intensity of the training was 75% of 1RM. Each exercise was repeated eight times over three sets with a two-minute break between sets. The second experimental group trained three times a week. The intensity of the training was also 75% of 1RM. Each exercise was repeated ten times, but only within one set. The experiment lasted for four months. The program included in the experiment consisted of the following exercises: the bench press, the lat pulldown, the biceps curl, the triceps extension, the leg press, the leg curl, the leg extension and the squat. The effect of the training was studied by changing the extent of the resistance over a period of two experimental micro cycles. The examinees of the control group did not train using resistance exercises. All groups were tested prior to and after the experiment by means of the following tests: the bench press 1RM and the leg extension 1RM. The data was analyzed using a variance analysis (MANOVA/ANOVA and the MANCOVA/ANCOVA) and the student's T-test. In the case of the first and second experimental group, a significant increase in strength was found at the final measuring. In the process of analyzing the data on the multivariate and univariate level for the E1 and E2 groups, a statistically relevant difference for the bench press 1RM and the leg extension 1RM was found. The findings of the research and the discussion show that the exercise program with a 75% of 1RM intensity, a wider extent and with two training sessions a week, had a better effect on the development of muscle strength, compared with the program of the other experimental group that trained with the same intensity, three times a week but with a lesser extent of resistance.
Key words:  the recreation of women, muscle strength, resistance exercises, a weekly micro cycle

Cilj istraživanja je da se istraže efekti vežbanja sa opterećenjem na mišićnu snagu u rekreativnom vežbanju žena. Uzorak je činilo 45 ispitanica starih od 40 do 50 godina. Ispitanice su bile podeljene u tri grupe (dve eksperimentalne i jednu kontrolnu) sa po 15 žena. Prva eksperimentalna grupa je vežbala dva puta nedeljno. Intenzitet vežbanja je bio 75% 1RM. Svaka vežba je ponavljana osam puta u tri seta sa odmorom od dva minuta između setova. Druga eksperimentalna grupa je vežbala tri puta. Intenzitet vežbanja je bio 75% 1RM. Svaka vežba je ponavljana 10 puta, ali u jednom setu. Eksperiment je trajao četiri meseca. Eksperimentalni program je obuhvatio vežbe: bench press, lat pulldown, biceps curl, triceps extension, leg press, leg curl, leg extension and squat. Efekat vežbanja je istraživan promenom obima opterećenja u dva eksperimentalna mikrociklusa. Ispitanice kontrolne grupe nisu vežbale vežbe sa opterećenjem. Sve grupe su testirane pre i posle eksperimentalnog tretmana sa testovima: bench press 1RM i leg extension 1RM. Podaci su obrađeni analizom varijance (MANOVA/ANOVA i MANCOVA/ANCOVA) i Studentovim t-testom. U prvoj i drugoj eksperimentalnoj grupi postignut je značajan prirast snage na finalnom merenju. U analizi podataka na multivarijantnom i univarijantnom nivou za E1 i E2 dobijena je statistički značajna razlika na bench press 1RM i leg extension 1RM. Rezultati istraživanja i diskusija su pokazali da je program vežbi sa intenzitetom od 75%, većim obimom i sa dva treninga nedeljno imao bolje efekte na razvoj mišićne snage u odnosu na program druge eksperimentalne grupe koja je vežbala istim intenzitetom, tri puta nedeljno, ali sa manjim obimom opterećenja.
Ključne reči: rekreacija žena, mišićna snaga, vežbe sa opterećenjem, nedeljni mikrociklus.