Vol.1, No 10, 2003 pp. 1 - 10
UDC 797.253 : 612.171
Scientific Paper

Leonidas Petridis1, Jana Kubátová2, Klio Petridou3
1Semmelweis University Budapest, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
H-1123 Alkotás u. 44, Budapest, Hungary
2Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Ceske mladeze 8, 400 96 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
3Aristotele University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Philosophy
H-1055 Szt. István krt. 3, Budapest, Hungary
e-mail: Leonidas@mail.hupe.hu

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of a swim-test which we repeatedly used for the assessment of the fitness level in Hungarian male junior water-polo players by relating the results to the players' echocardiographic parameters. It could be a point of interest if a relationship between the results of the swim-test and cardiac function were established.
26 male junior elite and 11 Olympic champion water-polo players participated in the swim-tests and the echocardiographic measurements. 25 healthy men served as a non-athletic comparison group. The swim test included the time result of a 30 m maximal intensity swim (Tmax), the mean time of a 6×30 m interval swim (Tmean), the number of heart beats during the 4 minutes of recovery (P4) and the difference between the heart beats during the first and the second half min. of recovery (Delta). Morphological and functional parameters of the heart were measured by echocardiography. The observed variables were related to body size by indices in which the exponents of the numerator and the denominator were matched. The echocardiographic measurements showed clear signs of left ventricular hypertrophy in the water-polo players compared to the non-athletic group. Between the swim-test and the echocardiographic measurements no close correlations were found, though when we correlated the cardiac parameters with swimming velocity (instead of the time results of the swim-test) some correlations became stronger. The results suggest that there was no linear relationship between the swim-test and the cardiac parameters; however, a parallel adaptive improvement of the junior players to non-athletes could be noticed in both measurements as a result of regular training. It appears justifiable that associations should be sought above all in the pace of the respective improvements on a proportional basis. The current swim-test seems to be not precise enough to evaluate the cardiac function of the athletes. The methodological conception in relating a resting parameter (echocardiographic measurements) to maximal dynamic ones (swim-test) needs further investigation.
Key words:  water-polo, swim-test, athlete's heart, echocardiography, cardiac adaptation.

Svrha ove studije je da proceni rezultate testova plivanja koji su korišćeni za procenu fitnes-nivoa kod Mađarskih juniora - vaterpolo igrača i odnosi se na ehokardiografske parametre igrača. Osnovni cilj je da se utvrdi da li može postojati veza između rezultata testa plivanja i srčane funkcije 26 elitnih juniora i 11 olimpijskih vaterpolo šampiona koji su učestvovali u testu plivanja i ehokardiografskim merenjima. 25 zdravih muškaraca nesportista služili su kao grupa za upoređivanje. Test plivanja uključuje vremenske rezultate: 30 m plivanja maksimalnim intenzitetom (T max), srednje vreme 6×30 m intervalnog plivanja (T mean), broj srčanih otkucaja tokom četiri minuta oporavka (P4) i razliku između srčanih otkucaja tokom prve i druge polovine min oporavka (Delta). Morfologija i funkcionalni parametri srca su mereni ehokardiografijom. Ehokardiografska merenja pokazala su jasne znake leve ventrikularne hipertrofije kod vaterpolo igrača u poređenju sa nesportistima. Između testa plivanja i ehokardiografskih merenja neka bliža korelacija nije pronađena. Rezultati su sugerisali da između testa plivanja i srčanih parametara ne postoji linearna veza. Ipak, zapaženo je adaptivno poboljšanje na oba merenja kod juniora igrača kao rezultat regularnog treniranja. Trenutni test plivanja izgleda da nije dovoljno precizan da proceni srčanu funkciju sportista. Metodološka koncepcija koja se odnosi na parametre odmaranja (ehokardiografska merenja) i maksimalne dinamičke parametre zahteva dalja istraživanja.
Ključne reči: vaterpolo, test plivanja, srce sportiste, ehokardiografija, srčana adaptacija.