Vol.1, No 9, 2002 pp. 51 - 61
UDC 796.015:392.15
Review Paper

Radomir Kostić
University of Niš, Faculty of Physical Education, Serbia & Montenegro
E-mail: rkost@medianis.net

Abstract.Knowledge and self - knowledge regarding movement capability and self - movement in sport is the requirement of current users of training in sport. Human movement and self - movement make up the basis of human life. In sport science, mobility is examined in special training conditions and competitions. With their bodies, movements and self - movement athletes achieve results in sport, which become a particular essence in life. This paper was written with the purpose to emphasize the qualitative and quantitative essence of sport anthropomotorics and self - movement and to point to the possibility of learning facts about qualitative and quantitative movement and self - movement, formed by training as a separate form and essence of modern education. Two groups of problems are indicated by emphasizing the essence of education in sport pedagogy for the purpose of the systematization of knowledge. The first group includes the "easy" problems of realization which mainly refer to the material aspect of a sport body, the environment and movement and the other group ("difficult" problems) refer to the realization of the conscious, the unconscious, experience i.e. the qualitative aspect of the anthropomotorics of athletes (sport movement and self - movement) and a sport action.
Key words: sport training, sport anthropomotorics, sport achievement, "easy" problems related to obtaining knowledge, "difficult" problems related to obtaining knowledge

Saznanje i samosaznanje sposobnosti kretanja i samokretanja u sportu je potreba savremenih korisnika treniranja u sportu. Ljudsko kretanje i samokretanje je osnova ljudskog života. U sportskoj nauci motorika se proučava u uslovima specijalnog procesa treniranja i takmičenja. Sportisti telom, kretanjem i samokretanjem stvaraju sportska dela kao posebnu životnu suštinu. Ovaj rad je sačinjen sa ciljem da se istakne kvalitativna i kvantitativna suština sportske antropomotorike i samokretanja i ukaže na mogućnosti saznavanja kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih činjenica o kretanju i samokretanju, koje je oblikovano treniranjem kao posebnom formom i suštinom savremenog obrazovanja. Isticanjem suštine obrazovanja u sportskoj pedagogiji radi sistematizacije znanja ukazano je na dve grupe problema. Prva grupa odnosi se na ''lake'' probleme saznanja koji se pretežno odnose na materijalnost sportskog tela, okoline i kretanja, a druga grupa (''teži'' problemi) odnosi se na saznajnu stranu svesnog, nesvesnog, iskustva, tj. kvalitativne strane antropomotorike sportista (sportskog kretanja i samokretanja) i sportskog dela.
Ključne reči: sportski trening, sportska antropomotorika, sportsko delo, ''laki'' problemi saznanja, ''teški'' problemi saznanja