Vol.1, No 9, 2002 pp. 37 - 50
UDC 531.211.71
Review Paper

Saša Bubanj1, Borislav Obradović2
1Paris, France
2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Physical Education, Serbia & Montenegro
E-mail: bokijoki@ptt.yu

Abstract.The fact that physical activity has a positive influence on the skeleton has already become an axiom. Referring to this there is substantial evidence including the prolific documentation of the often devastating consequences of the imobilisation and the comparative data which point to the connection between increased physical activity and increased mass of the bones. Having already said that regular physical activity can have a beneficial effect on the bones one can pose a question as to what the specific parts of the programme which is going to be the most favourable for the bones are. Guidelines for the exercise can be defined according to the type of exercise, intensity, duration and frequency although it is impossible to give absolute recommendations. This is so because there are no grounds that indicate the optimum duration and frequency of the exercise for the skeleton. The subject of this paper is to define the mechanism of the influence of different physical activities on the bones status. The aim is to enhance the understanding of the forms of different physical activities and the way they influence the skeleton status.
Key words: mechanical force, bones density, strength training, adaptation

Činjenica da fizička aktivnost ima pozitivan uticaj na skelet postala je već aksiom. S tim u vezi postoji nekoliko dokaza, uključujući obimnu dokumentaciju često poražavajućih posledica imobilizacije i komparativne podatke, koji pokazuju povezanost između povećane fizičke aktivnosti i povećane mase kosti. Pošto je već rečeno da redovna fizička aktivnost korisno deluje na skelet, može se postaviti pitanje koji su to specifični delovi programa koji bi bili najpovoljniji za kosti. Recept za vežbanje se može definisati prema vrsti vežbanja, intenzitetu, trajanju i frekvenciji, mada je nemoguće napraviti potpune preporuke. Naročito zbog toga što nemamo bazu na osnovu koje bi određivali optimalno trajanje ili frekvenciju vežbi za skelet. Predmet ovog rada je koštani status i mehanička opterećenja kosti. Problem rada je da se utvrdi mehanizam uticaja različitih fizičkih aktivnosti na koštani status. Cilj rada je da se doprinese shvatanju na koji način i u kom obliku različite vrste fizičke aktivnosti utiču na skeletni status
Ključne reči: mehanička sila, čvrstina kosti, trening snage, adaptacija