Vol.1, No 8, 2001 pp. 25 - 35
UDC 796.012    796.034-056.26
Scientific Paper

Mónika Horváth, Tekla Tihanyi, József Tihanyi
 Semmelweis University-Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,
Department of Biomechanics, Budapest, Hungary
E-mail: tihanyi@mail.hupe.hu

Abstract. As lack of standardization in the visual and computerized gait analyses different kinetic and kinematic gait analysis methods have been developed. The goal of this study was to further investigate the individually characteristics biomechanical deficits of hemiparetic gait pattern and the resulting compensations that compromise walking. The stance phase was more closely examined by the means of a force plate system and a motion analysis system. Data were obtained for both the affected and unaffected leg of 11 (9 males, 2 females) hemiplegic patients. We found that the shorter stance phase time for the affected side is related to the deficient ability to load and transfer weight through their affected leg. Significantly increased rate of force development was found during foot flat on the affected side while toe off was characterized by markedly lower force development. The impaired range of motion on the hemiplegic side was also leading to compensatory mechanism of the unaffected limb resulting abnormal movement of the ankle, knee and hip joints both the affected and unaffected side. Since during the analysis different patterns were separated and identified, it has become apparent that optimal treatment protocols for each pattern type should be developed.
Key words: hemiplegia, quantitative gait analysis, ground reaction force, range of motion

U nedostatku standardizacije u vizuelnoj i kompjuterizovanoj analizi hoda razvijene su različite kinetičke i kinematičke metode analize hoda. Cilj ove studije je da dalje istražuje individualne karakteristike biomehaničkih nedostataka hemiparetičnog modela hoda i kompenzacionog kompromisnog hoda. Faze položaja tela su bliže ispitane pomoću sistema sile metalnih pločica i analizom sistema kretanja. Podaci su prikupljeni proučavanjem neprirodne i prirodne noge 11 hemiplegičnih pacijenata (9 muškaraca i 2 žene). Otkrili smo da je kraće vreme faze položaja tela neprirodne noge vezano sa nedostatkom sposobnosti da se optereti i prenese težina na neprirodnu nogu. Stepen razvoja sile je značano povećan dok je stopalo ugrožene strane bilo ravno, a palac je okarakterisan sa znatno manjim razvojem sile. Oslabljeni stepen kretanja na hemiplegičnog strani je vodeći u kompenzatornom mehanizmu neprirodne noge, za rezultat ima abnormalni pokret članka, kolena i kuka - kako neprirodne, tako i prirodne strane. Pošto su se tokom analize različiti modeli izdvojili i identifikovali, postalo je očigledno da za svaki tip modela trebaju biti razvijeni optimalni protokoli tretmana.
Ključne reči: hemiplegija, kvantitativna analiza hoda, reakcija sile teže, stepen pokreta.