Vol.1, No 8, 2001 pp. 13 - 24
UDC 796.83: 159.9
Scientific Paper
Ljubica Bačanac
Republic Institute for Sports, Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro
E-mail: backe@drenik.net
Abstract. Our intention is to examine a corpus of Yugoslav senior
(N=104) and junior (N=57) boxers by using the Cattell questionnaires 16
PF and HSPQ, Eysenck MPI questionnaire, the Spielberg questionnaire of
the traits of the general anxiety STAI, Test of the Motive of the sports
achievement MSP by Havelka and Lazarevic, as well as Martens' test of the
traits of the sports competitive anxiety SCAT, in order to try to find
out if they possess, compared to the athletes of the other branches of
sport, the specific profile of the personal dispositions. Our intention
also tends to establish if it is formed under the influence of the specific
demands of this sport, or whether a certain specificity of boxers could
be identified already at the junior age. The data analysis confirms that
adult boxers, compared to all other athletes, statistically significantly
differ on 7 out of 16 factors of the personality, on one out of two Eysenck
dimensions or typological characteristics of personality, on 2 factors
of motivation and in the degree of the demonstration of the traits of the
sports competition anxiety. The psychological profile of the traits of
the personality of young boxers shows far less specificity compared to
all other young athletes, and the recorded differences result from the
specificity of their socio-economic status, educational and other socialization
Key words: psychological profile, boxers, comparison, specificity,
Naša namera je da ispitivanjem jugoslovenskih boksera seniora (N=104) i
juniora (N=57) Cattell-ovim upitnicima 16 PF i HSPQ, Eysenck-ovim MPI upitnikom,
Spilbergerovim upitnikom crte opšte anksioznosti (STAI), Testom Motiva
sportskog postignuća (MSP) Havelke i Lazarevića, kao i Martensovim testom
crte sportske takmičarske anskioznosti (SCAT), pokušamo utvrditi da li
oni u odnosu na sportiste drugih sportskih grana poseduju specifičan profil
personalnih dispozicija, da li je on oblikovan pod uticajem specifičnih
zahteva ovog sporta ili se određene specifičnosti boksera mogu identifikovati
već na juniorskom uzrastu.
Analiza podataka potvrđuje da se odrasli boskseri od ostalih sportista
statistički značajno razlikuju na 7 od 16 faktora ličnosti, na jednoj od
dve Eysenkove dimenzije ili tipološka svojstva ličnosti, na dva faktora
motivacije i u stepenu ispoljavanja crte sportske takmičarske anksioznosti.
Psihološki profil crta ličnosti mladih boksera pokazuje daleko manje specifičnosti
u odnosu na ostale mlade sportiste, a evidentirane razlike, prevashodno
proizilaze iz specifičnosti njihovog socio-ekonomskog statusa, obrazovnih,
vaspitnih i drugih socijalizacijskih uticaja.
Ključne reči: Psihološki profil, bokseri, poređenje, specifičnosti,