Vol.1, No 8, 2001 pp. 1 - 12
UDC 796.615.851:615.875
Scientific Paper

Attila Zsidai, László Kocsis
 Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Applied Mechanics, Biomechanical Laboratory
E-mail: kocsis@mm.bme.hu

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the international rhythmic gymnastics judges at Sydney-2000 Olympic Games showed a pattern of bias or not. To determine whether judges were biased in favor of the rhythmic gymnasts from their own countries, and against the gymnasts from other countries in close competition with their own, the score of each individual judge was compared to the average of the remaining judges on the panel. The results of sign-test analysis (in Individual All-Around Qualification) revealed that judges were biased in their scoring of gymnasts. Judges scored rhythmic gymnasts from their own countries higher than the other members of the panels. The pattern of negative bias, when the judges scored the gymnast in close competition with their own was not shown. The analysis was made within the competition of 24 rhythmic gymnasts from 19 federations, including 4 events: Optional routines with rope, hoop, ball, and band (39 cases in panel A-2, artistic value, and 57 cases in panel B-Execution).
Key words: olympic games, Rhythmic Gymnastics, competition, judging, evaluation, bias

U današnje vreme postoji povećana tendencija za širenje modernih sistema za istraživanje kičme baziranih na ultrazvuku, kao dopuna tradicionalnim metodama pregleda kičme, uključujući i skeniranje X-zracima, istraživanje magnetnom rezonancom (MRI) i skeniranjem kompjuterskom tomografijom (CT). Taj rad je baziran na karakterističnim obeležjima širenja ultrazvuka, jer on ne opterećuje ljudski organizam štetnom radijacijom. Novi sistemi su mobilni i pogodni za ispitivanje opterećenosti kičme bez obzira na strukturu. U savremenoj medicinskoj praksi, vizuelni pregled i tradicionalni dijagnostički testovi uključujući X-zrake, CT i MRI su dostupni za otkrivanje bolesti i deformacija kičmenog stuba. Rezultati istraživanja su 2D (X-zraci) ili 3D (MRI, CT) slike kičme. Treba dosta vremena da se rezultati obrade, a i postoje štetni efekti radijacijskog opterećenja, što je poznato. Na žalost, još jedna mana ovih metoda je što, tokom skeniranja, pacijent mora da ostane miran, što nije uvek moguće, pa verovatni pogrešni podaci se teško ispravljaju. Ipak, treba naglasiti da su ovi tipovi testova preko potrebni za beleženje čitavog oblika kičme. Realizovano je nekoliko koncepcija da bi se eliminisale mane uobičajenih dijagnostičkih procedura, uz zadržavanje njihovih beneficija. Zajednički cilj sredstava i procedura jeste da se poveća tačnost, jednostavnost, brža iskorišćenost, dodatna obrada informacija, osiguranje reproduktivnosti i da se izbegne štetna radijacija.
Ključne reči: kičma, ultrazvuk, analiza, motivacija, X-zraci, MRI, CT.