should be in (preferably) English, French or German. Papers in Slav
languages should be in Times New Roman.
Under the paper title, the name(s) of the author(s) should be given
while the full name, official title, institute or company affiliation
and the like should be placed at the end of the paper together with the
exact mail and e-mail address.
If your paper is translated, identify the translator(s) in the
Manuscript format. A brief abstract of approximately 100 to 150 words
in the same language and a list of up to six key words should precede
the text body of the manuscript. All the authors apart from foreign
ones should also submit a brief abstract, the paper title and key words
in Serbian.
Manuscripts should be prepared as doc. files, Word version 6.0 or
Manuscript length. Brief articles and discussions (10 pages or less)
are encouraged. Otherwise, papers should present well-focused arguments
of approximately 16 pages.
Style requirements. Letters, figures and symbols should be
clearly denoted.
Line drawings ("Figures"), photographs ("Plates") and tables must be
reproducible and carefully numbered and labeled. All figures should be
numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers. They should have descriptive
captions and should be mentioned in the text. Figures submitted must be
of standard high enough for direct reproduction. Line drawings should
be prepared in electronic form. Figures should be planned in advance so
as to allow reduction to 12.75 cm in column width.
References are cited in the text by giving the name of the
author/editor, year of publication and the page reference, all in
parentheses, for example (Zaječaranović 1996:125). Use "et al." in
cases of more than two authors. The reference section should contain
all works referred to in the text and only those. They must be listed
fully in the alphabetical order of author/editor, with complete
bibliographical details. Journal and book titles must be given in full
and must be underlined or printed in italics. Page references must be
given for articles in books and journals. References should conform to
the following examples:
Kloskovska, A. (2001) Sociologija kulture. Beograd:
Čigoja štampa.
2. Hetherington, K. (1998) Expressions of Identity. London:
3. Milić, V. (1989) "Odnosi središte-periferija kao
problem u društvenim proučavanjima nauke" ("Center-Periphery Relations
in the Social Studies of Science"), Sociologija,
4, Vol. XXXI, 625-653.
4. Powdermaker, H. (2002) "Hollywood and the USA",
In: Askew, K. and Wilk, R. (ed.), The
Anthropology of Media, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
5. Stevanović, B. (2002) Socio-kulturne pretpostavke savremene
demokratije. Doktorska disertacija. Niš: Filozofski fakultet
submission. Papers for consideration should be submitted to the Series
Editor in electronic form either on diskette, CD or via the Internet
(if only textual). Please e-mail attached files with Subject Header
"Submission for Facta" to:
Submission by mail
Please send three copies of the manuscript printed on A4 paper to:
Olgica Davidović, secretary
Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Manuscripts are not returnable. Contributors should keep a copy for