Vol.2, No 6, 1999 pp. 135 - 146
UDC: 316.4:316.7

Ljubiša Mitrović
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš

Abstract. Starting from the thesis that the Balkans represented, both regarding its geopolitical position and its culturological status, not only in the past but in the mod-ern times as well, the zone of "transition and choice", the author of this paper dis-cusses the relation between the process of modernization and religion, especially the role of some forms of religious cultures in geostrategic confrontations on this territory.
The paper first explores the analytical possibilities and limitations of particular theo-ries and theoretical concepts (such as the theory of the world system, modernization, the cul-tural context and the conflict between civilization and acculturalization) in or-der to pro-ceed, from the standpoint of the theory of conflict and permeation of various cultures, to reconside the issues concerning the influence of modern global, social and political strategies on this territory; in this context, an attempt is made to explore the potential for "permeability", adaptive capacities and resistance of particular national and religious cultures with respect to their geopolitical effect. By pointing to a positive role of the globalization process, modernization and acculturalization in modern soci-ety, the author thinks that modern world society is increasingly becoming an open so-ciety (cherishing multiculturality as well as ethnic and religious tolerance of differ-ences) affirming the phenomenon of a "culture with no borders". The author also critically warns about opposing tendencies of fragmentation of the worlds' society and of the processes of "planetary tribalism". In this context, the author analyzes the en-counter and conflict of religious culture in the Balkans regarding the present state (of Orthodoxy, Islam and Catholicism), thus pointing to their integrative and disintegra-tive abilities, to the phenomenon of the mingling of cultures, as well as to the need for the preservation of cultural and national identity and the redefinition of the issues of sover-eignty in the light of newly induced changes at the end of the 20th century.
Polazeći od teze da je Balkan uvek, kako po svom geopolitičkom položaju, tako i u kulturološkom pogledu, ne samo kroz istoriju, već i u savremenosti, predstavljao "zonu tranzicije i izbora", autor u radu razmatra odnos procesa modernizacije i religije, a posebno ulogu pojedinih oblika religijskih kultura u geostrateškim konfrontacijama na ovom prostoru.
U radu se najpre istražuju analitičke mogućnosti i ograničenja pojedinih teorija i teorijskih koncepata (kao što su teorija svetskog sistema, modernizacije, kulturnog konteksta i sukoba civilizacija i akulturacije), da bi se, potom, sa stanovišta teorije sukoba i prožimanja različitih kultura, izvršila problematizacija pitanja uticaja savremenih globalnih društvenih i političkih strategija na ovaj prostor i u tom kontekstu istražila "propusna" moć, adaptivni kapaciteti i otpor pojedinih nacionalnih i religijskih kultura u odnosu na njihovo geopolitičko dejstvo.
Ukazujući na pozitivnu ulogu procesa globalizacije, mondijalizacije, modernizacije i akulturacije u savremenom društvu, autor smatra da savremeno svetsko društvo sve više postaje otvoreno društvo (koje neguje multikulturnost, etničku i versku toleranciju razlika) koje afirmiše fenomen "kulture bez granica". Autor pri tom kritički upozorava i na suprotne tendencije fragmentacije i svetskog društva i procese "planetarnog tribalizma." U tom kontekstu, autor analizira susret i sukob religijske kulture na Balkanu u našoj savremenosti (pravoslavlja, islama i katoličanstva), ukazujući na njihovu integrativnu i dezintegrativnu moć, na fenomen prožimanja kultura, ali i potrebe očuvanja kulturnog i nacionalnog identiteta i redefinisanja pitanja suvereniteta u svetlu novonastalih društvenih promena na kraju našeg veka.