Vol.2, No 6, 1999 pp. 113 - 133
Vera Vratuša-Žunjić
Faculty of philosophy, Belgrade
Abstract. The paper examines the existence, intensity and the direction
of the relationship between the confessional belonging, the degree of subjective
religiosity and inter-ethnic distance two years before the violent breakup
of the former Yugoslavia. Empirical foundation of the research is the data
base of the Consortium of Yugoslav social sciences' institutes from 1989-1990.
The main finding of the paper is that the ethnic distance between the
members of three most numerous confessions in the Balkans, Orthodox, Catholic
and Islamic, that is between the members of respective nationalities, Serbs,
Croats and Muslims, was notable two years before the outbreak of the war.
Even when the Catholic and Orthodox respondents verbally denied the significance
of the spouse's national belonging in two fifths of the cases, and the
respondents belonging to all confessions negated the importance of the
work colleague's national belonging in somewhat lesser percentage, they
themselves were rarely in mixed marriages and have only scarcely preferred
the members of some other nationality for the work place colleague.
Respondents Yugoslavs, who in the three fifths of the cases asserted
not having an confession, proved to be the most open toward all other nationalities
and were the most popular as spouses and work colleagues, immediately after
the members of locally majority nation and confession. Albanians, who identified
themselves as members of Islamic confession in more than 90% of the cases,
were the most closed toward members of other nationalities and confessions
and were the least preferred among others.
Two additional facts testify to the significant degree of uncertainty
and mistrust among the members of three confessions two years before the
war. First, members of all three confessions have in more than two fifths
of the cases partially and completely agreed that safety was possible only
in the milieu in which live the majority of the members of one's own nation.
Second, alongside with almost three fifths of the three main confessions'
members, more than two fifths of those without confession accepted the
statement that cooperation can exist between nations, but never the full
trust, as well.
The rule is noticed, along with several significant and indicative
deviations, that respondents reporting that they were convinced believers
or that they believed but not in everything that their faith taught, belonging
mostly to working layers, attached greater significance to national belonging
of the spouse and of the work colleague in one fifth of the cases more
often than the respondents that reported that they were indifferent toward
religion, that they were not religious or that they were against religion,
preponderantly members of middle and upper social layers. The difference
in the attitudes of respondents that reported opposite degrees of their
religiosity, however, proved to be much smaller (only around ten percentages)
when it was the question of the safety and trust between members of different
nationalities. The social sources of widely diffused lack of confidence,
violent breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the formation of mutually
unfriendly independent national states, should therefore be searched for
not only in religious contents, but also in the real living situation of
believers and not believers alike.
In the paper is examined in detail the noticed phenomenon of significant
differences existing in the degree of subjective religiosity and the attitudes
of the members of the same confession, depending on their status of local
majority or minority in respective republic or province.
U prilogu se ispituje postojanje, intenzitet i smer povezanosti između
verske pripadnosti, stepena subjektivne religioznosti i međuetničke distance
dve godine pred nasilno razbijanje bivše Jugoslavije.
Empirijsku osnovu istraživanja čini baza podataka Konzorcijuma jugoslovenskih
instituta društvenih nauka iz 1989-1990.
Glavni nalaz rada je da je socijalna distanca između pripadnika tri
najbrojnije veroispovesti na Balkanu, pravoslavne, katoličke i islamske,
odnosno pripadnika odgovarajućih nacionalnosti, Srba, Hrvata i Muslimana,
bila vrlo izražena dve godine pred izbijanje rata. Čak i kada su ispitanici
katoličke i pravoslavne veroispovesti u dve petine slučajeva verbalno poricali
značaj nacionalne pripadnosti supružnika, odnosno ispitanici svih konfesija
u nešto nižem procentu negirali važnost nacionalne pripadnosti kolege s
posla, oni sami su retko bili u mešovitom braku i retko su odabirali pripadnika
neke druge nacionalnosti kao saradnika na radnom mestu.
Ispitanici Jugosloveni koji su u tri petine slučajeva izjavili da nemaju
veroispovest, pokazali su se kao najotvoreniji prema pripadnicima svih
nacionalnosti i najpopularniji kao supružnici i kolege, odmah posle pripadnika
lokalno većinske nacije i konfesije. Albanci koji su se u više nego devet
desetina slučajeva izjašnjavali kao pripadnici muslimanske veroispovesti,
bili su najzatvoreniji prema drugim nacionalnostima i konfesijama i najmanje
popularni kod njihovih pripadnika.
O visokom stepenu nesigurnosti i nepoverenja među pripadnicima glavne
tri konfesije dve godine pred rat govore i sledeće činjenice. Prvo, pripadnici
sve tri konfesije su se u preko dve petine slučajeva delimično ili potpuno
slagali da je sigurnost moguća samo u sredini u kojoj živi većina pripadnika
vlastite nacionalnosti. Drugo, pored skoro tri petine pripadnika tri galvne
konfesije, takođe je preko dve petine onih bez konfesije delimično i potpuno
usvajalo stav da među nacijama može biti dobre saradnje ali ne i potpunog
Uočena je pravilnost da ispitanici koji su izjavili da su uvereni vernici
ili da veruju ali ne u sve što vera uči, većinom pripadnici radnih slojeva,
pridavali za jednu petinu veći značaj nacionalnoj pripadnosti supružnika
i kolege s posla nego ispitanici koji su izjavljivali da su ravnodušni
prema religiji, nereligiozni ili protivnici religije, većinom pripadnici
srednjih i viših društvenih slojeva. Daleko je manja (samo desetak procenata),
međutim, razlika u stavovima ispitanika koji su saopštili suprotne stepene
svoje religioznosti, kada se radilo o sigurnosti i poverenju između pripadnika
raznih nacija. Stoga društvene izvore rasprostranjenog nepoverenja, nasilnog
raspada bivše Jugoslavije i formiranja međusobno neprijateljskih nezavisnih
nacionalnih država, treba tražiti ne samo u religioznim sadržajima nego
i u realnoj životnoj situaciji kako vernika tako i nevernika.
U radu je detaljno ispitan uočeni fenomen postojanja značajnih razlika
u stepenu subjektivne religioznosti i stavovima pripadnika iste konfesije
zavisno od toga da li imaju status lokalne većine ili manjine u odgovarajućoj
republici ili pokrajini.