Vol.2, No 6, 1999 pp. 91 - 99

Slave Nikolovski-Katin
Republical Commission for Relations with the Religious Communities, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Abstract. Most of small religious communities and groups registered in the Republic of Macedonia belong mostly to the protestant churches, while a smaller number to the islamic and Hindu religion. Except for the Evangelist-methodist church, which has existed for more than a hundred years, other small religious communities and groups are of recent origin.
Small religious communities and groups are classified into two groups. The first group consists of the protestant communities which have existed before the disintegration of the former Yugoslav community, while the second one comprises those which are registered in the Police Department after the Republic of Macedonia became an indepentent state. Thus, the following small religious communities and groups fall into the first group: the Evangelist-methodist church, the Christian Adventist church, the Baptist church, the Christian community of the Jehova Witnesses, the Church of Christ-the Brothers, and the Penthacos Church. The others belong to the Evangelist church, the Congreshan church, the Prachristian church, the New Apostol Church, the General Board of the Christian Adventist Church, the Christian community-the Lighthouse, the Vajsnovska religious community, the Islamic thericats and the Islamic becktash communities, and Harry Chrishna and Satia Sai-Center.
Concerning the number of the believers, religious objects, priests and religious clarks, these religious communities are expressively smaller than the Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Islamic community and the Roman Catholic church. The small religious communities and groups in the Republic of Macedonia have about 3.000 believers, together with the passive members (children and old people). Concerning the activities of the small religious communities and groups in the view of their active participation into the religious works and rituals, it can be stated that they are more active than the larger religious communities. That is especially expressed in the publishing and informing activity, missionery, visiting of the believers at their homes, care of the old people and children, development of the humanitarian activities, travellings abroad and the permanent visits of their hierarchy chiefs from their centres in Europe, America and Asia, distribution of printed materials, giving religious lectures and other church work.
Pogolemiot broj od malite verski zaednici i religiozni grupi registrirani vo Republika Makedonija im pripagaat pretežno na protestantskite crkvi, a mal broj na islamskata i na indu religijata. Osven Evangelsko-metodističkata crkva, koja vo Makedonija dejstvuva poveke od 100 godini, postoenjeto na drugite mali verski zaednici, odn. religiozni grupi e od ponovo vreme.
Malite verski zaednici i religioznite grupi se delat na dve grupi. Vo prvata grupa spagaat protestantskite zaednici koi postojat od pred raspaganjeto na poranešnata jugoslovenska zaednica, a vo vtorata grupa spagaat onie religiozni grupi koi se formirani i prijaveni vo Ministerstvoto za vnatrešni raboti po osamostojuvanjeto na Republika Makedonija. Taka, vo prvata grupa spagaat slednite mali verski zaednici: Evangelsko-metodističkata crkva, Hristijanskata adventistička crkva, Baptističkata crkva, Hristijanskata zednica na Ehovinite svedoci, Hristovata crkva-Braka i Pentakosnata crkva. Vo vtorata grupa, pak, spagaat: Evangelskata crkva, Kongršanskata crkva, Prahristijanskata crkva, Novata apostolska crkva, Glaven odbor na Hristijanskata adventistička crkva, Hristijanskata zaednica-Svetilnik, Vajšnavskata verska zaednica, Islamskata tarikatna zaednica, Islamskata bektaška zaednica, Hari Krišna i Satja Sai-Centar.
Po brojot na vernicite, verskite objekti, sveštenicite i verskite službenici ovie verski zaednici se izrazito pomali od Makedonskata pravoslavna crkva, Islamskata zaednica i Rimokatoličkata crkva. Malite verski zaednici vo Republika Makedonija imaat okolu 3.000 vernici, zaedno so pasivnoto členstvo (malite deca i starite luge). Dokolku pak, nivnoto dejstvuvanje se gleda od aspekt na aktivnoto učestvo vo verskite raboti i obredi, togaš za niv može da se istakne deka se mnogu poaktivni od pogolemite verski zaednici. Toa e osobeno izrazeno vo izdavačkata i informativnata dejnost, misionerstvoto, posetuvanjeto na vernicite vo nivnite domovi, golemata griža za starite luge i decata, razvivanjeto na humanitarnata dejnost, čestite patuvanja vo stranstvo i katadnevnoto primanje na nivni hierarhiski starešini od nivnite centri vo Evropa, Amerika i Azija, steknuvanjeto so novi vernici, rasturanjeto na pečateni raboti, održuvanjeto na verska pouka i drugi crkovni raboti.