Vol.2, No 6, 1999 pp. 49 - 74
UDC: 316.6:322:241.1
Eileen Barker
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Abstract. With the dramatic collapse of atheistic socialism at the
end of the 1980s, it was widely assumed that religious freedom would immediately
spread throughout Central and Eastern Europe and that new democratic and
pluralistic states would replace the oppressive regimes of the past. Soon,
however, it became apparent that neither democracy nor pluralism were without
their own inherent difficulties, and that religious freedom was not as
easy to implement ? or even, perhaps, as desirable as had once been thought.
This paper examines some of the problems that faced the Mother Churches
of Eastern and Central Europe once they were allowed to function without
State interference in their own societies, and how their problems were
intensified by the competition from other religions that emerged in their
own countries and, more particularly, came from the West. Especial attention
will be paid to the characteristics of the wide variety of new religious
movements or 'cults', and the reception that missionaries and converts
have been receiving. One process to be examined is the extent to which
the rhetoric of nationalism has become increasingly used to define heresy
as treason. The paper will conclude with a brief discussion of the importance
of objective research and scholarship as a contribution to the understanding
of the new and alien religious movements if an extremely delicate situation
is not to become exacerbated still further.
Sa dramatičnim padom ateističkog socijalizma krajem osamdesetih godina
uveliko se pretpostavljalo da će se verska sloboda smesta proširiti čitavom
srednjom i istočnom Evropom i da će nove demokratske i pluralističke zemlje
zameniti represivne režime iz prošlosti. Međutim, ubrzo je postalo očigledno
da ni demokratija ni pluralizam nisu bez svojih nasleđenih poteškoća i
da nije lako ugraditi versku slobodu, a, možda, da to nije čak ni tako
poželjno kao što se nekada mislilo.
Ovaj rad ispituje neke probleme sa kojima su se suočile glavne crkve
istočne i srednje Evrope od trenutka kada im je dozvoljeno da funkcionišu
bez mešanja države u svojim društvima; isto tako, rad razmatra način na
koji su se njihovi problemi mnogo zaoštrili usled suparništva sa drugim
verama koje su se javile u sopstvenim zemljama ili su, tačnije rečeno,
stigle sa zapada. Posebna pažnja je posvećena karakteristikama širokog
spektra novih verskih pokreta ili "kultova", kao i prijemu na koji nailaze
misionari i preobraćenici. Jedan od procesa koji treba istražiti je stepen
do koga se retorika nacionalizma sve više koristi da bi definisala herezu
kao izdaju. Na kraju, u radu se daje kratko razmatranje značaja objektivnog
istraživanja i naučnog metoda što je doprinos razumevanju novih i stranih
verskih pokreta da se ne bi dalje pogoršavala jedna, ionako izuzetno delikatna,