Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 497 - 505

Blagoje Nešić
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš
Abstract. The researches inspiried by Ferguson's hypothesis on educability of abilities that intelligence, as the general mental ability can be practised trought the sistem of mental operations, specific and concrete components which are esencially conditioned and connected and, due to transfer, generalized. The results of this experiment, carried out with children from the third to the eighth grade of the elementary schools, showed the following:
1. Practising algorithmization of cognitive functions and logical perceptive games has significant and durable transfer effect on the growth of pupils' intelligence.
2. The amount of transfer of this practise on the age of pupuls the type of tests and the stage of growth of intelligence: a) Spearman's basic principles of cognition (relation eduction and correlate education) can be significantly developed; fyrthmore, more effeciently developed with pupils in the fourth, seventh and the eight grades than with pupils in the third, fifth and the sixth grades; and ultimately more effeciently developed with pupils of lower intelligence. b) the ability of conceining, understanding and defining notions can also be significantly and durable developed of these stages of growth, than, more effeciently developed with pupils in the seventh and eight grades than with pupils of other stages; and ultimately, in the majority of the examined grades, with pupils of lower intelligence.
3. This type of programme shows transfer activity even after its completion. This was evident only in the tests based on Spearman's laws of eduction.
To measure intelligence we have applied the following tests: 1) Raven's progressive matrices, 2) Word defining, 3) Verbal analogies, 4) Word pairs. The subjects were pupils from the third to the eighth grade of three elementary schools from Jagodina. 542 of them were examined. Therefore, the results of this experiment show that the level, speed, direction and quality of the growth of intelligence depends on the interaction among the factors of heredity, enviroment, experience and training. We believe that the period that was included in the experiment is still the period in which the significant interaction among these factors is realized in the growth of intelligence.

Ovo istraživanje je iz domena vaspitljivosti i inteligencije. U istraživanju je proveravana transferna vrednost posebno pripremljenog eksperimentalnog programa (algoritmizacija saznajnih funkcija i logičko-perceptivne igre) na oblast inteligencije. Za merenje inteligencije korišćeni su sledeći testovi: 1) Ravenove progresivne matrice, 2) Definisanje reči, 3) Verbalne analogije, 4) Parovi reči. Subjekti su bili učenici od trećeg do osmog razreda osnovnih škola iz Jagodine. Ispitano je 542 učenika.
Rezultati eksperimenta su:
1. Vežbanje u algoritmizaciji saznajnih funkcija i logičko-perceptivnim igrama ostavlja značajne i trajnije transferne efekte na razvoj inteligencije učenika.
2. Iznos transfera ovog vežbanja zavisi od uzrasta učenika, vrste testova i nivoa razvijenosti inteligencije: a) Osnovni Spirmanovi principi saznanja (edukcija relacija i edukcija korelata) mogu se razvijati značajno i trajnije, zatim, kod učenika četvrtog, sedmog i osmog razreda efikasnije nego kod učenika trećeg, petog i šestog, i na kraju efikasnije kod učenika slabije inteligencije.
3. Ovakva vrsta programa pokazuje transferno delovanje i po njegovom završetku. Ovo se pokazalo samo u testovima u čijoj osnovi su Spirmanovi zakoni edukcije.
Prema tome, rezultati eksperimenta pokazuju da nivo, brzina, pravac i kvalitet razvoja inteligencije zavise od interakcije faktora nasleđa, sredine, iskustva i obuke. Verujemo da period koji smo obuhvatili ovim eksperimentom je još uvek vreme kada se ostvaruje značajna interakcija ovih faktora u razvoju inteligencije učenika.