Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 485 - 490
Simka Deletić
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Niš
Abstract. Many opinions exist about the present relation between
technology and education. Among them, the two following ones can be regarded
as extreme, namely, the one claiming that technical and technological progress
on the whole, and the technological progress in particular, require education
and highly educated people, while the other one states that the technological
development minimizes educational needs since modern technologies are so
developed that they will be very soon independent of the subjects involved
in the working process. In any case, it is relevant to stress the fact
that the technological strategy has an important interaction with the educational
process. Besides, out of the above-mentioned connections between technology
and education it is possible to single out and take into consideration
a set of issues referring to the society in its early stages of development
as well as to various aspects of their interdependence in modern society.
This paper presents some views that are significant for the exploration
of this relationship in the contemporary world.
Key words: modern society, technique, technology, education,
literacy, schools
O povezanosti tehnologije i obrazovanja postoje različita shvatanja. Dva
ekstremna gledanja su: 1) tehničko-tehnološki progres u celini, a posebno
progres tehnologije, zahteva obrazovanije i visoko obrazovane ljude i 2)
razvoj tehnologije vodi ka minimiziranju potrebe za obrazovanjem, jer savremene
tehnologije su toliko usavršene da će biti skoro nezavisne od subjekata
radnog procesa. U svakom slučaju relevantno je saznanje da tehnološka strategija
ima značajne interakcije sa procesom obrazovanja. Iz navedene povezanosti
- tehnologija i obrazovanje - moguće je izdvojiti i razmotriti kompleks
pitanja koja se odnose kako na društvo u ranijim periodima razvoja, tako
i na različite aspekte njihove međuzavisnosti u današnjem društvu. U ovom
radu iskazana su neka razmišljanja važna za istraživanje tog odnosa u savremenom
Ključne reči: savremeno društvo, tehnika, tehnologija, obrazovanje,
pismenost, škola