Vol.1, No 5, 1998 pp. 471 - 484

Zorica Kuburić
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
Abstract. In this article we present results of an empirical research in the field of religion, on a sample of adolescents and their parents, in comparative groups of protestant, orthodox and ateistic families. In the doctrine of the church, as well as in one's personal religiosity, we can see how one's picture of God (imago Dei), good or severe finds its place in family education and the self-concept of a young person. These two images of God make three states of man: calm and believing; afraid and anxious; ambivalent. The main results of the research showed that the faith in God and in his unconditioned love, are at first learnt in the family, where the child receives the first kind of love, parental love. A child conceives God through the image it has of his parents. A man is an image of his god.
Key words: Image of God, Self-concept, Adventist, Adolescents, Family

U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati empirijskog istraživanja iz oblasti religije, koje je urađeno na uzorku adolescenata i njihovih roditelja. Upoređivane su protestantske, pravoslavne i ateističke porodice. U doktrini crkve, isto kao i u ličnoj religioznosti vernika, možemo prepoznati kako nečija slika o Bogu, dobrom ili strogom, pronalazi svoje mesto i u porodičnom vaspitanju i u slici o sebi mlade osobe. Ove dve slike o Bogu formiraju tri čovekova stanja: mir i poverenje, strah i nemir, ili pak ambivalenciju. Osnovni rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je vera u boga i njegovu bezuslovnu ljubav, prvenstveno naučena u porodici, gde deca primaju prvo roditeljsku ljubav. Dete doživljava boga posredstvom slike koju ima o svojim roditeljima. Čovek je onakav kakav je njegov bog.
Ključne reči: slika o Bogu, slika o sebi, adolescenti, porodica