Vol 12, No 1, 2013 pp. 41-51
UDC 37.032

Bisera Jevtić
University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Serbia
Email: bisera.jevtic@filfak.ni.ac.rs

It is a fact that our society and its progress and development largely depend on every individual, his education and willingness to make his own life and the life of other people better, more beautiful and humane. In this sense, education as a complex and continuous process aims to enable the development of human relations between genders and between people in general in order to help young people from the earliest age to face their responsibilities, duties and problems during the life. The results presented in the paper in this area depend on professional knowledge, attitudes and level of coordination of carriers of educational activities but depend also on their consciousness about the importance of this problem, motivation and desire to work on it. In this paper, the author begins with humane presumptions of gender relationships, and then in the research connects the conviction of high school students about the necessity of an obligatory sex education program and attitudes towards the humanization of gender relationships. This connection is small, but statistically important, which has been shown in a regressive analysis. The paper gives new knowledge about the problems and perspectives of humane gender relationships, and brings several topics for new studies.
Key words: humanization of relationships, sex education, pedagogic humanism, humanistic pedagogy.

Činjenica je da naše društvo i njegov napredak i razvoj u velikoj meri zavisi od svakog pojedinca, njegove edukacije i spremnosti da napravi sopstveni život i život drugih ljudi bolji, lepši i humaniji. U tom smislu, obrazovanje kao složen i kontinuiran proces, ima za cilj da omogući razvoj humanih odnosa među polovima i među ljudima uopšte, kako da se pomogne mladim ljudima od najranijeg uzrasta da se suoči sa odgovornošću, obavezama i problemima neizbežnim tokom života. Rezultati rada u ovoj oblasti zavise od stručnih znanja,odgovornosti, stavova i nivoa koordinacije nosilaca obrazovnih aktivnosti, ali zavise i od svesti o značaju ovog problema, motivacije i želje za promenom stavova. U ovom radu, autor ističe humane pretpostavke odnosa medju polovima, a zatim u istraživanju povezuje uverenja srednjoškolaca o neophodnosti obaveznih programskih sadržaja o seksualnom obrazovanju i stavova o odgovornosti prema humanizaciji odnosa medju polovima. Statistička obrada podataka izvršena je na nivou dvofaktorske univarijante. Rad daje nova saznanja o problemima i perspektivama odgovornosti humane pedagogije u humanizaciji odnosa pri čemu donosi nekoliko tema za nova istraživanja.
Ključne reči: Humanizacija odnosa, seksualno obrazovanje, pedagoški humanizam, humanistička pedagogija.