Vol 11, No 2, 2012 pp. 191-200
UDC 316.334.56

Josip Kristović
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia
Email: josipkristovic@gmail.com

In this paper one will present the most relevant theories considering capitalist urbanization in the last one hundred years, and later on will discuss how those theories may be used in studying and analyzing postsocialist cities. The reason why those theories are chosen can be found in the simple fact that they are broad and well-rounded, and thus hold the central position within urban sociology. More precisely, it is a case of the influence of the capitalist mode of urbanization on cities in postsocialism. Postsocialist societies have undergone changes called "transition" since the 1990's, and these changes have not passed over urban areas and their praxis. One can recognize some important urban changes: centre commercialization, the industrialization of rural and peripheral areas belonging to a city, gentrification of certain "elite" areas etc. However, perhaps the most recognizable mark in contemporary postsocialist cities is how they use and consume their own space.
Key words: urban sociology, capitalism, postsocialism, city and space.

U ovom radu biće predstavljene najrelevantnije teorije koje se tiču kapitalističe urbanizacije u poslednjih stotinu godina, a zatim će se preći na razmatranje kako ove teorije mogu biti primenjene u propitivanju i analiziranju postsocijalističkih gradova. Razlog zbog koga su ove teorije odabrane leži u njihovoj širini i celovitosti, te se zbog toga postavljaju na centralnu poziciju u okviru urbane sociologije. Tačnije rečeno, radi se o uticaju kapitalističkog načina urbanizacije na gradove u postsocijalizmu. Postsocijalistička društva su, počev od 1990-ih, prošla kroz promene nazvane "tranzicija" i te promene nisu zaobišle urbane prostore i njihovu praksu. Mogu biti prepoznate neke važne urbane promene: komercijalizacija centra, industrijalizacija ruralnih i perifernih područja koja pripadaju gradu, džentrifikacija određenih "elitnih" naselja itd. Ipak, verovatno najprepoznatljivije obeležje savremenih postsocijalističkih gradova jeste kako oni koriste i troše sopstveni prostor.
Ključne reči: urbana sociologija, kapitalizam, postsocijalizam, grad i prostor.