Vol. 11, No 2, 2012, pp. 127 - 135
UDC 37.012:303.5

Jelena Maksimović1, Boris Kožuh2,3
University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia
Email: jelena.maksimovic@filfak.ni.ac.rs
2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy, Slovenia
3AFM Krakow University, Poland

Inferential statistics are based on part (sample) units selected from the entire set of statistics, with which through the application of appropriate statistical methods and techniques make statistical conclusions about the entire event. Patterns lead to the evaluation of the ability of the basic set, a statistical method used to determine the reliability and accuracy of these estimates. All these actions make a method that is called a representative sample method or methods. The authors of this paper are interested in the sampling method, because it is often used in educational research, and not enough is known to researchers and students. Therefore, it is necessary to first clarify the basic concepts of the method, as well as the basic generalization in a hypothetical population.
Key words: method of sample population, inferential statistics, educational research.

Inferencijalna statistika temelji se na delu (uzorku) jedinica izabranih iz čitavog statističkog skupa, pomoću kojeg se uz primenu odgovarajućih statističkih metoda i tehnika donose zaključci o čitavom statističkom skupu. Uzorkom se dolazi do procene karakteristika osnovnog skupa, a statističkom metodom određuje se pouzdanost i preciznost te procene. Svi ti postupci čine metodu koja se zove metoda uzorka ili reprezentativna metoda. Autore ovog rada interesuje metoda uzorka, zato što se često koristi u pedagoškim istraživanjima, a nedovoljno je poznata istraživačima i studentima. Zbog toga je potrebno na početku razjasniti osnovne pojmove ove metode, kao i generalizacije na hipotetsku osnovnu populaciju.
Ključne reči: metoda uzorka, populacija, inferencijalna statistika, pedagoška istraživanja.