Vol 11, No 1, 2012 pp. 33-42
UDC 37.014 Freire P.

Zorica Stanisavljević Petrović, Marija Cvetković, Aleksandra Jovanović
University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Pedagogy, Serbia
E-mail: zokapet@filfak.ni.ac.rs

This paper presents, gives an interpretation and a critical review of the theory of school described in the works of the Brazilian pedagogue and philosopher Paulo Freire and offers a critical approach to the theory. The modernist roots of Freire's ontology, epistemology and ethics provide a basis for a critical approach to the pedagogical theory and practice of the school as a social educational institution. Despite the fact that he is one of the most famous representatives of the radical criticism of the school, Paulo Freire is not studied extensively in this geographical area, which is one of the reasons for a thorough analysis of his work. In times of changes and attempts at reforms of the school and the school system, the pedagogical ideas of Paulo Freire, especially those related to the democratization of school, the equality and humanization of school relations, are again attracting attention. In his theory, Freire advocates for the transformation of the school and the introduction of changes that will result in the humanization of the school environment. In his theory, Freire critically examines the value of school, its pedagogic and educative function, the principles on which it is based as well as school relations. Paulo Freire's theory of school, and, above all, his critical opinions about the organization and the functioning of school represent a fertile source of ideas about the changes that the school practice is still undergoing. A diversity of ideas and an impressively wide range of issues in the works of Freire offer opportunities for changes of the school and the school system with the aim of creating a more efficient and superior system of education.
Key words: school, changes, humanization of school, Paulo Freire.

U radu je dat prikaz, interpretacija i kritički osvrt na teoriju škole u delima brazilskog pedagoga i filozofa Paula Freirea. Modernistički koreni Freireove ontologije, epistemologije i etike čine osnovu za kritički pristup pedagoškoj teoriji i praksi škole, kao društvene institucije za vaspitanje i obrazovanje. Mada je jedan od najpoznatijih predstavnika radikalne kritike škole Paulo Freire je na našim prostorima nedovoljno pručavan, što je još jedan od razloga za studioznijim istraživanjem njegovog rada. U vremenu promena i reformskih zahvata u školskom sistemu i školi, pedagoške ideje Freirea postaju ponovo aktuelne, posebno one koje se odnose na demokratizaciju škole, jednakost i humanizaciju odnosa u školskom kontekstu. Freire se u svojoj teoriji zalaže za preobražaj škole i uvođenje promena u pravcu humanizacije školskog okruženja. U svojoj teoriji kritički preispituje vrednost škole, njenu vaspitnu i obrazovnu funkciju, principe na kojima počiva, odnose u školi. Teorija o školi Paula Freirea, pre svega kritički stavovi o organizaciji i funkcionisanju škole, čini neiscrpan izvor ideja o promenama koje su i danas aktuelne u školskoj praksi. Raznovrsnost ideja i spektar tema koji ima impresivnu širinu u delima Freirea otvara mogućnosti za promene u školi i školskom sistemu u cilju stvaranja efikasnijeg i kvalitetnijeg sistema vaspitanja i obrazovanja.
Ključne reči: škola, promene, humanizacija školskog rada, Paulo Freire