Vol 10, No 2, 2011 pp. 203-216
UDC 316.644:336.7(497.11+497.7)

Elisaveta Sardžoska1, Zorica Marković2
1Faculty of Philosophy, University of Skoplje, Macedonia
E-mail: elisaveta@fzf.ukim.edu.mk
2Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia

The subject matter of this paper are the results of a study into the aspects of the money ethic of the workforce in Macedonia and Serbia. The study was carried out on a sample of 400 participants of both sexes (200 from each country), aged 19 to 63, of various levels of education (high school, community college and university). Their money ethics were measured with the help of the MES scale – the Money Ethic Scale (Tang, 1999) which consisted of 58 items on a Likert scale, with five different degrees used to express the degree of agreement with each of the items. The scale measures the affective component towards money (10 items), the behavioral component (14 items) and the cognitive component (34 items). The results indicate a significant difference in the overall money ethics between the workforce in Serbia and Macedonia (t=2.519; p<0.012), as well as in the affective and behavioral component (t=3.666 p<0.000; t=3.447 p<0.001). The results are based on the following components: money is evil and money is good (the affective component); investing money, budget planning, saving money and giving money to charity (behavioral component); and self-respect based on the possession of money (cognitive component). The Macedonians scored higher values than the Serbs on all of the components except the cognitive component (respect). We can conclude that the various attitudes of the workforces towards money are a result of the specific socio-economic factors and the working environment of each of the compared countries - Macedonia and Serbia
Key words: money ethics, affective, cognitive, behavioral component.

Rad se bavi istraživanjem aspekata odnosa prema novcu između zaposlenih iz Makedonije i Srbije. Istraživanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 400 ispitanika oba pola (od toga po 200 iz svake zemlje) uzrasta od 19 do 63 godine i različitog obrazovanja (završena srednja, viša i visoka škola). Odnos prema novcu meren je MES skalom – Skalom odnosa prema novcu (Money Ethic Scale, Tang, 1999) koja se sastoji od 58 ajtema, Likertovog tipa, sa pet stepeni preko kojih se izražava stepen slaganja sa svakim od ajtema. Skala meri afektivnu komponentu odnosa prema novcu (10 ajtema), bihevioralnu komponentu (14 ajtema) i kognitivnu komponentu (34 ajtema). Rezultati pokazuju značajnu razliku u celokupnom stavu prema novcu između zaposlenih iz Srbije i Makedonije (t=2.519 p<0.012) kao i u afektivnoj i bihevioralnoj komponenti (t=3.666 p<0.000; t=3.447 p<0.001). Rezultati su zasnovani na sledećim komponentama: novac je zlo i novac je dobro (afektivna komponenta); ulaganje novca, planiranje budžeta, čuvanje novca i davanje novca u dobrotvorne svrhe (bihevioralna komponenta); i poštovanje sebe zasnovano na posedovanju novca (kognitivna komponenta). Makedonci postižu više vrednosti od Srba na svim komponentama izuzev kognitivne komponente (poštovanje). Može se zaključiti da različiti stavovi zapošljenih prema novcu rezultiraju iz specifičnih socioekonomskih faktora i radnog okruženja svake od poređenih zemalja- Makedonije i Srbije.
Ključne reči: stav prema novcu, afektivna, kognitivna, bihevioralna komponenta