Vol 10, No 2, 2011 pp. 141-152
UDC 316.7

Jelena Petković
University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia
E-mail: jelena-p@filfak.ni.ac.rs

Despite the current aspirations towards globalization and universalization, and as a response to the ever-increasing superiority, dominance and the hegemony of powerful countries over the rest of the world, there is more and more support for national particularism, and the aspirations towards the egoism of national and cultural identities are more and more pronounced. By asking cetain questions and thinking certain thoughts about on the cited relationship (between culture, nations and nationalism), this paper makes a unique contribution to the discussions on this complex issue, while considering the following topics: the type of effect of the national cultural sense, as well as of the extreme forms of the ideology of nationalism in the field of culture; what role the modern mass media have in realizing cultural cooperation between different nations, but also in building national stereotypes and prejudices; can the projects of globalism and multiculturalism be realized but with the preservation of cultural idiosyncracies, the specificities of different nations and the sovereignty of their states; is there any danger or hope in the division of mankind into nations?
Key words: cultures, nations, nationalism, the mass media, cultural cooperation.

Uprkos savremenim težnjama za globalizacijom i univerzalizacijom, a kao odgovor na sve veću nadmoćnost, dominantnost i prevlast moćnih zemalja nad ostalim delom sveta, sve više se podstiče nacionalni partikularizam, sve intenzivnije su izražene težnje ka egoizmu nacionalnih i kulturnih identiteta. Otvarajući pojedina pitanja i izvesna promišljanja naznačenog odnosa (kulture, nacije i nacionalizam), rad daje svojevrstan prilog raspravama o ovoj kompleksnoj problematici, uz promišljanje sledećih tema: kakav je efekat kulturnog nacionalnog osećanja, kao i ekstremnih vidova ideologije nacionalizma u oblasti kulture; kakvu ulogu imaju savremeni masovni mediji u ostvarivanju kulturne saradnje među različitim nacijama, ali i u izgrađivanju nacionalnih stereotipa i predrasuda; mogu li se projekti globalizma i multikulturalizma ostvarivati uz očuvanje kulturnih osobenosti, specifičnosti različitih nacija i suvereniteta njihovih država; ima li opasnosti ili nade u podeli čovečanstva na nacije?
Ključne reči: kulture, nacije, nacionalizam, masovni mediji, kulturna saradnja