Vol 9, No 1, 2010 pp. 163-172
UDC 101

Jasper Doomen
Independent scholar, The Nederlands
Email: jasperdoomen@yahoo.com

What does the fact that academic philosophy has specialized to a high degree entail for its pursuit? In particular, how can philosophy at present contribute to discussions pertaining to scientific issues? Due to its evolved character, it doesn't, in contrast to earlier times, when it was still intertwined with the sciences, produce substantial material results. Now that the sciences have established themselves as independent domains, its role is limited, being focused on reflection. This doesn't, however, lead to its demise; in fact, it may, in order to preserve at least the appearance of stability, turn out to be the covering discipline in an ever changing scientific landscape.
Key words: specialization; philosophy; education; interdisciplinarity.

Šta podrazumeva činjenica da je akademska filozofija usavršena do visokog nivoa? Tačnije, kako danas filozofija može da doprinese diskusiji koja se odnosi na pitanja nauke? Zbog svojih razvijenih osobina, za razliku od prošlih vremena, kada je bila u vezi sa ostalim naukama, filozofija je daje konkretne materijalne rezultate. Sada kada su nauke postale nezavisne, uloga filozofije je ograničena i svodi se na meditaciju. To, naravno, nije strašno; u stvari, da bi bar zadržala stabilnost, ona može da postane disciplina koja pokriva druge discipline u naučnom miljeu stalnih promena.
Ključne reči: specijalizacija, filozofija, edukacija, interdisciplinarnost