Vol 9, No 1, 2010 pp. 73-97
UDC 061.2:342.25(474.5)

Arvydas Guogis1, Romualdas Kacevičius,2 Andrius Stasiukynas3
Faculty of Politics and Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Email: 1a.guogis@gmail.com, 2kacevicius@mruni.lt, 3andrius@jip.lt

There is an analysis of the interaction of municipalities and non-governmental organizations in two Lithuanian districts – Vilnius city and Ukmergė district. This analysis is made on the basis of two social models – New Governance and New Institutional Economics models. The empirical basis for the research was grounded on three interview surveys conducted among the municipal workers and among non-governmental organizations activists. The revealed result of the surveys show the differences between the centre and the periphery in Lithuania – mainly because of different levels of assymetrical information, transaction costs and social capital. This article consists of three parts – introduction in the first part, which concerns the application of the above mentioned two social models, three surveys results in the second part and the analysis of the relations between informational policy and social capital in two Lithuanian districts in the third part. The article does not only provide the insufficient level of social capital at the interaction of municipalities and non-governmental organizations but it also presents the measures to improve it by promoting the higher level of interaction, enhancing the potential of non-governmental organisations, and reducing the asymmetrical information.
Key words: municipalities, non-governmental organisations, social capital, asymmetrical information.

U radu je data analiza interakcije dveju opština i nevladinih organizacija u dve Litvanske oblasti - oblasti Vilnius i Ukmerge. Ova analiza se zasniva na dva modela – Nove vlade i modela Novih ekonomskih institute. Empirijsku osnovu istraživanja čine tri intervjua koji su vodili službenici opštine i aktivisti nevladinih organizacija. Rezultati ankete pokazuju razlike izmedju centra i periferije u Litvaniji - uglavnom zbog različitih nivoa asimetričnosti, troškova transakcije i društvenog kapitala. Ovaj članak se sastoji iz tri dela - uvoda u prvom delu, koji se bavi primenom već spomenuta dva društvena modela, tri ankete u drugom delu i analize odnosa izmedju informacije i društvenog kapitala u dve litvanske oblasti. Članak ne samo da ne obezbedjuje nedovoljan nivo društvenog kapitala tokom interakcije opština i nevladinih organizacija, već predstavlja mere za poboljšanje i postizanje višeg nivoa interakcije, poboljšavajući potencijal nevladinih organizacija i smanjujući asimetričnost.
Ključne reči: opštine, nevladine organizacije, društveni kapital, asimetričnost