Vol 8, No 1, 2009 pp. 93-104
UDC 159.942-057.875 (497.1)

Tatjana Stefanović Stanojević, Jasmina Nedeljković
The Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Niš, Serbia The Faculty of Legal and Business Studies, Business Psychology, Novi Sad, Serbia
E-mail: sstanja63@gmail.com, jasmina.nedeljkovic@gmail.com

The motive for research is the assumption about the existence of cross-cultural differences between the young people in the towns of present day different countries ( Republic of Srpska , FYR of Macedonia and Serbia ), but once collective: SFRY. Having assumed that the transitional occurrences during the nineties had marked differently the generations which grew up at the time, we decided to check the existence of possible differences, based on the available samples in three towns of the former SFRY, in one of the relevant aspects: the quality of attachment.

The sample was comprised of male and female students (N=247) from Banja Luka , Skopje and Niš. The instrument for the assessment of the attachment quality (UPIPAV-R, Hanak, 2004) and the List of basic socio-demographic data were applied. The results corroborate the expectation that there are differences between domestic and foreign distributions, warning of the increasing percentage of the subjects with fearful attachment. Furthermore, the results confirm the expectation that there are also differences between the samples in the tested towns. We have tried to interpret the acquired differences in relation to the diversity of the contexts in which the young people grew up.
Key words: transition, towns of the former SFRY , attachment patterns.

Motiv za istraživanje je pretpostavka o postojanju kroskulturnih razlika među mladim ljudima u gradovima danas različitih država (Republike Srpske, Makedonije i Srbije), a nekada zajedničke: SFRJ. Pretpostavivši da su tranziciona dešavanja tokom devedesetih različito obeležila generacije koje su tada odrastale, odlučile smo da u tri grada bivše SFRJ, na dostupnim uzorcima proverimo postojanje eventualnih razlika u jednom od relevantnih aspekata: kvalitetu afektivne vezanosti.
Uzorak su činili studenti i studentkinje (N=247) iz Banja luke, Skoplja i Niša. Primenjen je instrument za procenu kvaliteta afektivne vezanosti (UPIPAV-R, Hanak, 2004), i Lista osnovnih socio-demografskih podataka.
Rezultati potvrđuju očekivanje da postoje razlike između domaćih i inostranih distribucija, upozoravajući na porast procenta bojažljivo afektivno vezanih subjekata. Takođe, rezultati potvđuju očekivanje da postoje razlike i između uzoraka u testiranim gradovima. Dobijene razlike nastojale smo da protumačimo u odnosu na različitost konteksta u kome su mladi odrastali.
Ključne reči: tranzicija, gradovi bivše SFRJ, obrasci afektivnog vezivanja.