Vol 8, No 1, 2009 pp. 25-36
UDC 316.334.54/56

Miomir S. Naumović
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Republic of Serbia
E-mail: naumovic@filfak.ni.ac.rs

In this paper the author wishes to point out the socio-demographical and geographical causes and consequences of the occurrence and growth of slums in the modern world. He draws attention to the problem of slums in the modern rich capitalist world and at the same time focuses on the problems and features of these housing areas in the United States of America and Europe, and then sheds light on the socio-demographical features of these housing areas in Asia, Africa and South America. Slums are analyzed as a chain of consequences of class and ethnic differentiations not only within a single state, but also as a chain of consequences of international differentiations, segregations and expulsions.
Key words: poverty, slums, extremely impoverished countries, highly developed countries, segregation and differentiation.

U ovom radu autor želi da istakne socio-demografske i geografske uzroke i posledice pojave i porasta broja naselja u savremenom svetu. On naglašava problem predgradja u savremenom bogatom kapitalističkom svetu i u isto vreme se koncentriše na probleme i karakteristike ovih naselja u Sjedinjenim američkim državama i Evropi, a onda se bavi i socio-demografskim karakteristikama ovakvih naselja u Aziji, Africi i Južnoj Americi. Predgradja se analiziraju kao niz posledica klasnih i etničkih razlika ne samo u okviru jedne države, već i kao niz posledica medjunarodnih razlika, segregacija i isključivanja.
Ključne reči: siromaštvo, predgradja, izuzetno osiromašene zemlje, visoko razvijene zemlje, segregacija i diferencijacija