Vol 7, No 1, 2008 pp. 1-12
UDC 316.286
Charalambos Tsekeris, Nicos Katrivesis
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences in Athens, Greece
Email: tsekeris@gmail.com
University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece
Email: nkatrive@uom.gr
The present paper constitutes a theoretical overview of the well-established,
yet highly contested, concept of reflexivity as one of the main buzzwords
in sociology throughout the last two centuries. Its central aim is to comprehensively
describe and critically discuss the changing historical relationships between
reflexivity, sociological knowledge and everyday social life. In a rather
detailed way, it carefully discerns the complex scientific meaning-making
of reflexivity, from phenomenology and ethnomethodology to contemporary
critical theory and the sociology of science, and extensively elaborates
on its various interconnections to social action. Within this analytic
framework, reflexivity is particularly associated with issues of consciousness
and meaning, as well as with systematic theoretical efforts of effectively
transcending old subject-object or action-structure dualistic dichotomies.
Key words: Reflexivity, Scientific
Knowledge, Social Epistemology, Meaning, Social Action, Sociological Theory.
Ovaj rad pruža teorijski pregled dobro utemeljenog, a opet veoma osporavanog
koncepta refleksivnosti, kao jedne od najčešće ponavljanih reči u sociologiji
tokom poslednja dva veka. Njegov osnovni cilj je da detaljno opiše i kritički
razmotri promenljive istorijske odnose između refleksivnosti, sociološkog
znanja i svakodnevnog društvenog života. Na dubinski način, rad pažljivo
razmatra složeno naučno značenje – izgradnju refleksivnosti, od fenomenologije
i etnometodologije do savremene kritičke teorije i sociologije nauke,
te detaljno izučava njenu povezanost sa društvenom akcijom. U okviru
takvog analitičkog okvira, refleksivnost se naročito vezuje za probleme
svesti i značenja, kao i za sistematske teoretske napore da se efikasno
prevaziđu stare dualističke dihotomije, poput subjekta-objekta i akcije-strukture.
Ključne reči: refleksivnost,
naučno znanje, socijalna epistemologija, značenje, društvena akcija,
sociološka teorija