Vol 6, No 1, 2007 pp. 41-52
UDC 316.72:32 (497.11)
Nikola Božilović
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia, Ćirila i Metodija 2
From the sociological and historical point of view, political consciousness has always been in close vicinity to the mythic one. Moreover, politics has often affected the process of revival and shaping of the mythic consciousness. On the other hand, myths have also had a creative role in directing the politics of particular societies and historical epochs. This coupling of politics and myth, in a context which is mostly negative, is more than actual today. The societies in transition, such as the Serbian one, are firmly gripped by politically distorted myths. Thus myths are becoming a vile weapon in the hands of an authoritarian or insufficiently democratic government. Under such circumstances, politics and political opinion become means of lies and cheap propaganda. The ruling structures abuse the tradition and myths for the sake of winning the power or their survival on the political stage at any cost. Pseudoculture and kitsch are the very foundations from which politicians, with the help of the distorted myths, can disseminate lies and empty promises. It is upon these theoretical assumptions that the author of this paper bases his commentaries about kitsch culture of the contemporary Serbian society and its historical roots.
Key words: pseudoculture, kitsch, politics, myth, totalitarianism

Sa sociološke i istorijske tačke gledišta politička svest oduvek se nalazila u blizini mitske svesti. Štaviše, politika je neretko uticala na oživljavanje i oblikovanje mitske svesti. Sa druge strane, i mitovi su imali tvoračku ulogu u usmeravanju politike određenih društava i istorijskih perioda. Sprega politike i mitova, u kontekstu koji je najčešće negativan, danas je itekako aktuelna. Društva u tranziciji, poput srpskog društva, čvrsto se nalaze u zagrljaju politički iskrivljenih mitova. Mitovi postaju opako oružje u rukama autoritarne ili još nedovoljno demokratizovane vlasti. U takvim okolnostima politika i političko mišljenje postaju sredstva laži i jeftine propagande. Vladajuće strukture zloupotrebljavaju tradiciju i mitove u cilju osvajanja vlasti ili opstanka na političkoj pozornici po svaku cenu. Pseudokultura i kič su postamenti na kojima političari uz pomoć iskrivljenih mitova mogu sejati laži i prazna obećanja. Autor ovoga članka na ovim teorijskim postavkama temelji svoja zapažanja o kič kulturi savremenog srpskog društva i njenim istorijskim korenovima.
Ključne reči: pseudokultura, kič, politika, mit, totalitarizam