Vol 5, No 1, 2006 pp. 145-152
UDC 37.026

Radovan Antonijević
Institute for Educational Research, Belgrade

The subject of the paper presents the basic characteristics, forms and levels of knowledge interconnectedness in teaching, especially in mathematics and biology teaching. The analysis was realized by considering the basic theoretical views in this field, as well as by establishing features and levels of knowledge interconnectedness in the context of teaching programs, textbooks and teaching process, and students. Some theoretical assumptions are based on the analysis of theoretical views of the problem of knowledge interconnecting in teaching. It was established that traditional, empirical conception of the process of knowledge attainment, connecting knowledge and knowledge systematization in teaching was mostly presented in didactics and methodologies of particular teaching subjects. Within the framework of the theory of developmental teaching, established by Russian psychologist Davydov and the followers, there is concept of "knowledge systematism", as one of the main concepts which belongs to the conception of teaching activity.
Key words: teaching contents, knowledge attainment process, knowledge interconnectedness, knowledge system.

Temu rada predstavlja utvrđivanje osnovnih karakteristika, oblika i nivoa povezanosti znanja u nastavi, posebno u nastavi matematike i biologije. Analiza je sprovedena razmatranjem teorijskih stanovišta u ovoj oblasti, kao i utvrđivanjem svojstava i nivoa povezanosti znanja u oblasti nastavnog programa, udžbenika i nastavnog procesa, kao i svojstava povezanosti znanja kod učenika. Određeni teorijski stavovi zasnovani su na analizi teorijskih stanovišta o problemu povezanosti znanja u nastavi. Utvrđeno je da je u udžbenicima didaktike i metodika posebnih nastavnih predmeta uglavnom zastupljena tradicionalna, empiristička koncepcija procesa saznavanja, povezivanja i sistematizacije znanja u nastavi. U okviru teorije razvijajuće nastave, čiji rodonačelnik je ruski psiholog Davidov sa sledbenicima, javlja se pojam "sistemnost znanja", kao jedan od ključnih pojmova koji pripada koncepciji nastavne delatnosti.
Ključne reči: sadržaj nastave, proces saznavanja, povezanost znanja, sistem znanja