Vol 5, No 1, 2006 pp. 131-144
UDC 331.468

Miroljub Grozdanović, Evica Stojiljković
Faculty of Occupational Safety, Niš

Any Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) carried out without an adequate Human Error Quantification and Identification (HECI) process will probably be inaccurate. For accurate complex systems risk assessment, it is critically important that the assessor understands the multifaceted nature of human errors in complex systems and is thus aware of all the different types of human - error contributions which can ultimately make an impact upon a system's risk level. It is also necessary that the assessor be suitably well - armed with a battery of tools with which to identify such error contributions both reliably and comprehensively. This requires a consideration of some of the most adequate taxonomies or classifications of human error. A new generalised HECI framework will then be described in this paper which deals with many different forms of human error at different levels of analysis. This framework and its tools rest heavily upon already existing techniques and ideas, never attempting to put these into a more comprehensive and coherent framework.
Key words: human error, human reliability, performance shaping factors.

Svaka procena ljudske pouzdanosti obavljena bez adekvatnih procesa kvantifikacije i identifikacije ljudskih grešaka će verovatno biti netačna. U cilju precizne procene rizika kompleksnih sistema od velikog je značaja da procenjivač razume višestruku prirodu ljudske greške u kompleksnim sistemima i da je svestan svih uzroka koji doprinose ljudskim greškama koje utiču na nivo rizika sistema. Ovo zahteva razmatranje najadekvatnijih sistematizacija i klasifikacija ljudskih grešaka. Novi generalizovani okvir kvantifikacije i identifikacije ljudske greške bice opisan u ovom radu, a čine ga različiti oblici ljudskih grešaka na različitim nivoima analiza. Ovaj okvir i njegovi alati se oslanjaju na već postojeće tehnike i ideje, uz pokušaje da se stave u razgranatiji i koherentniji okvir.
Ključne reči: ljudska greška, ljudska pouzdanost, faktori oblikovanja učinka