Vol 5, No 1, 2006 pp. 87-102
UDC 159.923.2:616.89-008.441]-053.6

Snežana Vidanović1, Vesna Anđelković
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš

This paper provides the results of a research project aimed primarily at discovering the differences in the stages of  ego development (Washington University Sentence Completion Test of Ego Development - WUSCT) and the level of anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory- Form Y, STAI - Form Y) among artistically and musically gifted adolescents and their high-school peers (120 subjects, aged 17 to 19). The stages of ego development are determined according to the theoretical and methodological postulates of Jane Loevinger (1976) which assume that it is possible to understand interpersonal behavior, interests, values and self control with the help of specific cognitive strategies, specific personal needs and the anxiety levels. The anxiety level is being defined according to the theoretical and methodological postulates of Spielberger at  al. (1983). They look into and evaluate the exposure of two anxiety dimensions: state  anxiety (STAI-S) and trait anxiety (STAI-T).
The results we have obtained show that there is no significant difference in the stages of ego development between gifted adolescents and high school students.  We have found no difference between these two groups in the level of trait and state anxiety either (both in the whole sample and in the sub-samples with regard to gender).  Only the group of male high school students produced a negative correlation between the stages of ego development and the levels of trait and state anxiety.
Key words: ego development, anxiety, artistically and musicallygifted adolescents.

U radu se iznose rezultati istraživanja koje je pre svega bilo usmereno na otkrivanje razlika u stadijumima ego razvoja (Washington University Sentence Completion Test of Ego Development � WUSCT) i nivoima trenutne i opšte anksioznosti (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory- Form Y, STAI - Form Y) kod likovno i muzički nadarenih adolescenata i njihovih vršnjaka iz gimnazije (120 ispitanika, uzrasta od 17 do 19 god.). Stadijumi ego razvoja su određeni prema teorijskim i metodološkim postavkama Jane Loevinger prema kojim je moguće razumeti interpersonalno ponašanje, interesovanja, vrednosti i samokontrolu na osnovu specifičnih kognitivnih strategija, specifičnih potreba osobe i prisutne anksioznosti. Nivo anksioznosti je definisan u okviru teorijskih i metodoloških postulata Spielberger i sar. (1983).
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji razlika u stadijumu ego razvoja između nadarenih adolescenata i gimnazijalaca. Takođe, između ove dve grupe ne postoji razlika u nivou trenutne i opšte anksioznosti (kako na celom uzorku, tako i na poduzorcima i u odnosu na pol). Samo kod gimnazijalaca muškog pola postoji negativna korelacija između stadijuma ego razvoja i nivoa obe dimenzije anksioznosti.
Ključne reči: ego razvoj, anksioznost, muzički i likovno nadareni adolescenti