Vol 4, No 1, 2005 pp. 37-49
UDC 316.2.286.32

(An Appeal for the Renewal of Critical Sociology)
Ljubiša Mitrović
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš

The author first discusses the basis of the neoliberal philosophy of development in the world, especially Bourdieu's criticism of the neoliberal ideology and strategy of development and their implications for the social relations in contemporary society. Bourdieu points to the connection between the neoliberal philosophy of development with mega capital interests, that is, those of transnational corporation at present, just as he stresses the attempts to justify, by the neoconservative revolution with its appeals to progress, reason and science (especially economic sciences) through the new market fetishization, the process of historical restoration and thus, to paraphrase P. Bourdieu, to classify as outdated any progressive thought and action.
Bourdieu especially criticizes the myth of "mondialization" as an integral part of the neoliberal development strategy in the modern times by speaking about it as "exploitation sans rivages" and "the main weapon in the struggle against the achievements of the welfare state." By making a distinction between the social democratic model of the social development and the democratic processes of the world integration and the "asymmetrical globalization model," Bourdieu stresses that globalization is not homogenization; it is, instead, continuation of the power and influence of a small number of the dominant nations over the totality of the national stock exchanges. In the context of his main theses, Bourdieu points to classical and new forms of the structural inequalities in the world (social violence and symbolic repression).
In his works Bourdieu especially deals with the issue of the fate of the European welfare state under the conditions of the domination of the neoliberal ideology and globalization while exposing the myth about a harmonious and uncontroversial concept of European integration and the European Union. He points out that, under the influence of mega interests and the neoliberal development strategy, the welfare state in Europe is under attack, and that, in truth, the European Union is torn apart inside, split in two and differentiated as "the Europe of workers" and "the Europe of bankers," that is, into several development and cultural circles that overlap but are not always harmonious.
Finally, the author stresses Bourdieu's appeal for the renewal of the critical sociology that has not given up its analytical as well as its humanist and emancipating role in society.
Key words: Pierre Bourdieu, Sociology, Neoliberalism, Globalization, Welfare State, European Union. 

(Pledoaje za obnovu kritičke sociologije)
Autor najpre razmatra osnove neoliberalne filozofije razvoja u savremenom svetu, a posebno Burdijeovu kritiku neoliberalne ideologije i strategije razvoja, njihovih implikacija na društvene odnose u savremenom društvu. Burdije ukazuje na povezanost neoliberalne filozofije razvoja sa interesima krupnog kapitala, tj. transnacionalnih korporacija u savremenosti, kao i na pokušaje da se neokonzervativna revolucija, pozivajući se na progres, razum i nauku (posebno ekonomsku nauku) kroz novu fetišizaciju tržišta, izvrši opravdanje procesa istorijske restauracije "i tako pokuša da svrsta pod zastarelost svaku progresističku misao i delanje" (P. Burdije).
Burdije posebno kritikuje mit o "mondijalizaciji", kao integralni deo strategije neoliberalnog razvoja u savremenosti, govoreći o njemu kao o "eksploataciji bez granica" i "glavnom oružju u borbama protiv tekovina welfare state-a. Praveći distinkciju između socijaldemokratskog modela društvenog razvoja i demokratskih procesa integracije sveta i "asimetričnog modela globalizacije", Burdije ističe da "globalizacija nije homogenizacija, već je ona, naprotiv, produžetak moći i uticaja malog broja dominantnih nacija nad celinom nacionalnih berzi". U ovom kontekstu svojih razmatranja Burdije ukazuje na klasične i nove oblike strukturalnih nejednakosti u svetu (na socijalno nasilje i simboličko ugnjetavanje).
Burdije se u svojim radovima posebno bavi pitanjem sudbine evropske socijalne države u uslovima dominacije neoliberalne ideologije i globalizacije, razobličavajući mit o harmonijskom i neprotivrečnom konceptu evropske integracije i Evropske unije. On ukazuje da se, pod uticajem interesa krupnog kapitala i neoliberalne strategije razvoja, socijalna država u Evropi našla na udaru; da se u realnosti Evropska unija iznutra cepa, udvaja i diferencira na "Evropu radnika" i "Evropu bankara", na nekoliko razvojnih i kulturoloških krugova koji se seku i nisu uvek harmonični.
Najzad, autor poentira Burdijeovo zalaganje za obnovom kritičke sociologije, koja se nije odrekla analitičke, ali i svoje humanističke i emancipatorske uloge u društvu.
Ključne reči: Pjer Burdije, sociologija, neoliberalizam, globalizacija, socijalna država, Evropska unija