Vol 3, No 1, 2004 pp. 33-65
UDC 316.356.2(497.11)

Dragana Stjepanović-Zaharijevski1, Sandra Kostić, Snežana Spasić2
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš
E-mail: 1 bosna@junis.ni.ac.yu, 2isi@filfak.ni.ac.yu

Abstract. This research is rather specific, due to the fact it is a part of a broader project entitled Young Family at the Threshold of 21st Century, which is simultaneously being carried out by Moscow State Social University, with the identical survey questionnaire used. Comparative results will be the topic of a separate study. In this paper, we studied the most important characteristics of the way of life of young families in eleven towns of Central Serbia, in the conditions of the transformation of Serbian society, and then we considered how much marital partners were satisfied with their family life, and also what determined such satisfaction. The highest correlation is shown in the interrelation between material welfare, property and conditions of living, as indicators of social-economic condition, and satisfaction with family life, as a social-psychological category. Results have shown that in the omnipresent pauperization the family survives though pressured by the need for survival; it becomes closed in its necessary and imposed dependence, becomes idealized as the supreme value, and satisfaction with family life grows with the family's ability to satisfy existential needs.
Key words: satisfaction with family life, social changes, pauperization

Specifičnost ovog istraživanja uslovljena je činjenicom da se ono uklapa u jedan širi projekat pod nazivom Mlada porodica na pragu XXI veka, koji paralelno, sa identičnim anketnim upitnikom, realizuje Moskovski državni socijalni univerzitet u Moskvi. Komparativni rezultati biće predmet analize posebne studije. U ovom radu smo istraživali najbitnije karakteristike načina života mladih porodica u jedanaest gradova Centralne Srbije, u uslovima transformacije srpskog društva, a potom smo utvrđivali u kolikoj meri su bračni partneri zadovoljni svojim porodičnim životom, i čime je determinisano to zadovoljstvo. Najveći stepen korelacije pokazuje povezanost materijalnog stanja, imovnog statusa i uslova stanovanja, kao indikatora socijalno-ekonomskog stanja, sa zadovoljstvom porodičnim životom, kao socijalno-psihološkom kategorijom. Rezultati su pokazali da porodica u sveopštem osiromašenju opstaje pod pritiskom potrebe za preživljavanjem; ona se u nužnoj i nametnutoj zavisnosti zatvara, idealizuje kao vrhunska vrednost, a zadovoljstvo porodičnim životom raste sa njenim mogućnostima da zadovolji egzistencijalne potrebe.
Ključne reči: zadovoljstvo porodičnim životom, društvene promene, osiromašenje