Vol 2, No 10, 2003 pp. 769-775
UDC 316.42:17.023

Radomir Videnović
Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
E-mail: vidra@bankerinter.net
Abstract. The present crisis can be recognised as one of extreme relativity and disappearance of values.
Truth, beauty, goodness and faith have been transformed into their contradictions.
Culture is essentially history which moves under the laws of double pendulum - it is a battle between two opposite tendencies, both actual and latent ones - (faith - reason, individuality - collectivity).
The time we live in has lost its foundation; it is anarchic and chaotic, without its direction.
So, it is necessary - besides existing laws of double pendulum - and moreover essential (which means predictable) to establish the integrity of culture and to establish a new, truly valuable hierarchy. That is the task of ethics at the beginning of the third millennium.
Key words: Culture, crisis, values, double pendulum, ethics.

Kriza današnjeg vremena ogleda se u ekstremnoj relativiziranosti i iščezavanju vrednosti. Istina, lepota, dobrota i vera pretvorene su u svoje suprotnosti. Kultura je suštinska istorija koja se kreće prema zakonu dvostrukog klatna - to je borba aktuelnih i latentnih međusobno suprotstavljenih tendencija (vera-razum; individualizam-kolektivizam). Vreme u kom živimo je izgubilo svoje središte, anarhično je i haotično, bez usmerenja. Zato mu je potrebno i - prema zakonu kretanja dvostrukog klatna - nužno (što predstavlja predviđanje) da uspostavi celinu kulture i novu, pravu vrednosnu hijerarhiju. To je zadatak etike na početku trećeg milenijuma.