Vol 2, No 8 2001 pp. 539 - 543
UDC [397+391+316.7](=914.99)

Dragan Koković
Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad

Abstract. The basic characteristic of the Romanies is their nomadic way of life, their belief in magic and a specific way of dressing. The cultural gap is reflected in the culture of poverty. The Romanies are not only poverty-stricken in the economic sense but in the cultural as well. They all share a characteristic feeling of marginality and helplessness; they also share a powerful orientation toward the present (the survival strategy) as well as a small ability to put off the gratification. Very often the Romanies' way of life is characterized by the feeling of resignation and helplessness. It is evident that the Romanies are excluded beside being outside the main institutions of the global society. The culture of poverty takes on the power of culture since its main traits are the guide as well as the framework for action, thinking and acting. A view of life is different when taken from the palace than from the tent. Such a pattern as well as a way of life pass from one generation to another and thus the poverty culture is kept permanently alive.
Key words:  Nomadic Way of Life of the Romanies, Magic in Romanies, Romanies' Way of Dressing, Romanies' Culture of Poverty

Osnovna karakteristika Roma je njihov nomadski način življenja, verovanje u magiju i specifičan način odevanja. Kulturni jaz ogleda se u kulturi siromaštva. Romi nisu pogođeni siromaštvom samo u ekonomskom pogledu već i u kulturnom. Za njih je karakterističan osećaj marginalnosti, bespomoćnosti, snažna orijentacija na sadašnjost (strategija preživljavanja), mala sposobnost da se odloži zadovoljenje. Vrlo često, romski način života karakteriše osećaj razigniranosti i bespomoćnosti. Vidljivo je neuključivanje Roma i njihovo neučestvovanje u glavnim institucijama globalnog društva. Kultura siromaštva poprima snagu kulture, jer su njene osobine vodič i okvir za način postupanja, mišljenja i delovanja. Drugačije se misli iz palate nego iz čerge. Takav obrazac i način ponašanja prenosi se s generacije na generaciju i tako se trajno obnavlja siromaštvo.
Ključne reči:  nomadski način življenja Roma, magija u Roma, odevanje Roma, kultura siromaštva Roma