Vol 2, No 8 2001 pp. 527 - 538
UDC 314.745.22/.24:323.15(=914.99)(497.115)

Jovan Živković
Faculty of Philosophy, Priština

Abstract. The solution of the problem that is indicated in the very title of the paper does not stress any of the already known points of view. Therefore, in order to proceed to the presentation of some of these points of view, we must clearly define the Romanies' status. In this way we will start dealing with an even greater problem, namely the status of the Gypsies.
What must be done first is to undertake serious categorization of the sufferings at Kosovo. We must be aware that unless there is some significant improvement in the process of recording the Romanies' sufferings there as well as of taking care of them, we are not going to witness anything else but further hypocrisy of the official formative field of the system
Key words:  Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Exodus, Sufferings, Xenophobia, Discrimination

Razrešavanje problema, datog kroz naslov, nije u izdvajanju jednog od dosada poznatih pristupa. Ili, pre zastupanja bilo kog od pristupa podrazumeva, ponajpre, da se unapred i jasno definiše i ustraje na određenju njihovog statusa, što bi bio početak rešavanja ukupnih naših problema - a njihov status je nesumnjivo gorući problem. Kažemo naših problema, budući da je odgovornost za poigravanjem njihovim sudbinama u rukama onih koji drže "ključeve" u određivanju njihovog statusa. Taj početak mora da se ogleda u ozbiljnom pristupu i kategorizaciji stradalništva na Kosovu. Odnosno, ako ne dođe do vidnog poboljšanja u beleženju njihovog stradanja i zbrinjavanja, onda je, istovremeno, to nastavak dosadašnjeg licemernog ponašanja oficijelne normativne sfere ovog sistema.
Ključne reči: autoritarizam, totalitarizam, egzodus, stradanje, ksenofobija, diskriminacija