Vol 2, No 8 2001 pp. 433 - 443
UDC 316.347:323.14(=914.99)

Miloš Marjanović
Faculty of Law, Novi Sad
Abstract. The author has put forward the hypothesis that positive and negative stereotypes and prejudices are the very core of ethnocentrism. His main idea is that the ethnic stereotypes are a form of symbolic or cultural segregation. Their better understanding is one of the necessary presumptions for multiethnic and intercultural society. The Romanies are "the European pariahs" and "our Blacks"; there are many very different stereotypes and strong prejudices against them that, regarding the historical continuity as well as their territorial spreading, range from extremely negative to extremely positive ones. The author considers the most characteristic of them, in both the diachronic and the synchronic perspective. Their investigation explains in an interesting way the relations between Them and Us.
Some recent studies have shown that the Romanies are most frequently described as gifted for music, vigorous, hospitable (positive heterostereotypes) as well as as noisy, quarrelsome, dirty, lazy (negative heterostereotypes). The positive Romany autostereotypes imply that they are gifted for music, hospitable, religiously and ethnically tolerant. Such tolerance is extremely important for multiculturalism. Many stereotypes are not enough empirically based. As for the Romanies that we personally know, there are no negative stereotypes. One environmental action in the Novi Sad area has shown that it is not the Romanies who are dirty but their living conditions. All the Romanies are not poor; rather, there are rich Romanies, even the richest in the settlement, but the majority of them have impoverished more than others (as is the case of Rumania).
Key words: Ethnocentrism, Ethnic Stereotypes of Romanies, Romany Autostereotypes

Autor polazi od hipoteze da su pozitivni i negativni stereotipi i predrasude u samom jezgru etnocentrizma. Njegova centralna ideja je da su etničke stereotipije oblik simboličke ili kulturne segregacije. Njihovo bolje razumevanje je jedna od nužnih pretpostavki multietničkog i interkulturalnog društva. Romi su "evropske parije" i "naši crnci" i prema njima postoji čitavo mnoštvo vrlo različitih stereotipa i jakih predrasuda, u istorijskom kontinuitetu i širokom rasponu, od krajnje negativnih do krajnje pozitivnih. Autor razmatra neke od najkarakterističnijih, u dijahronijskoj i sinhronijskoj perspektivi. Njihovo istraživanje na interesantan način rasvetljava odnose između Njih i Nas. Neka skorašnja istraživanja pokazuju da se Romima najčešće pripisuju: smisao za muziku, temperamentnost, gostoljubivost (pozitivni heterostereotipi) i da su bučni, svadljivi, prljavi, lenji (negativni heterostereotipi). Pozitivni romski autostereotipi su: smisao za muziku, gostoljubivost, religijska i nacionalna tolerantnost. Takva tolerancija je izuzetno značajna za multikulturalizam.
Mnogi stereotipi nisu dovoljno iskustveno zasnovani. Nema negativnih stereotipa prema Romima koje lično poznajem. Jedna ekološka akcija u novosadskom arealu je pokazala da nisu prljavi Romi nego uslovi u kojima žive. Svi Romi nisu siromašni – postoje bogati Romi, neki od njih su najbogatiji u naselju, ali većina njih više osiromašuje nego drugi (slučaj Rumunije).
Ključne reči: etnocentrizam, etničke stereotipije o Romima, romski autostereotipi