Vol 2, No 7 2000 pp. 391 - 397
UDC 159.923.2

Ljubiša Zlatanović
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš

Abstract. The author of this paper considers the concept of health-related Quality of life (QOL) by paying special attention to the relevance of taking into account of one's own personal self-concept. An attempt was made to indicate to the importance of the unique way in which a person (patient) summarizes his own self-concept, i.e. the way he perceives and experiences him self in the context of the relationships with others and world in general. That is why the author suggest that in the careful QOL research it is essentially not possible to ignore or even to exclude a person's own subjective and unrepeatable values, feelings, experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and conceptions about himself as well about the various elements and/or sides of life, that differentiate particular person from all others. Some more general issues about QOL assessment are also included. The suggestion was made that the suitable QOL measurement has to include an idiographic and subjective approach - but only as an important complement to more nomothetic and objective one. It is argued that both approaches and measures should be used in QOL research, and that the quality of our dealing with this field of research can be increased in this way.
Key words:  Quality of life, Self-concept, Idiographic approach, Subjective/Objective QOL measures

Autor ovog rada razmatra koncept kvaliteta života u vezi sa zdravljem, posvećujući posebnu pažnju važnosti uzimanja u razmatranje ličnog pojma o sebi (self-koncepta) pojedinaca. Učinjen je pokušaj da se ukaže na važnost jedinstvenog načina na koji osoba (pacijent) sažima svoj sopstveni pojam o sebi, tj. načina na koji ona opaža i doživljava sebe u kontekstu odnosa sa drugima i sa svetom uopšte. Zbog toga, autor ukazuje da u pažljivom istraživanju kvaliteta života suštinski nije moguće zanemariti ili čak isključiti sopstvene subjektivne i neponovljive vrednosti, osećanja, doživljaje, stavove, uverenja i poimanja osobe o sebi samoj i o raznim elementima i/ ili stranama života koji je razlikuju od svih drugih osoba. Obuhvaćena su takođe neka opštija pitanja procenjivanja kvaliteta života. Tako, data je sugestija da podesno merenje kvaliteta života mora uključiti idiografski i subjektivni pristup - ali samo kao važnu dopunu nomotetskom i objektivnom pristupu. U radu se tvrdi da bi oba pristupa i mere trebalo da se koriste u istraživanju kvaliteta života, kao i da se na ovaj način može poboljšati kvalitet našeg bavljenja ovom oblašću istraživanja.
Ključne reči:  Kvalitet života, Pojam o sebi (Self-koncept), Idiografski pristup, Subjektivne/Objektivne mere