Vol 2, No 7 2000 pp. 379 - 389
UDC 159.964.28+173.1+340.61
Zorica Marković
University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš, Yugoslavia
Abstract. This work disclusses marital types and merital relationships
as by several psychoanalysts: Sigmund Freud, Annie Reich, Helene Deutch,
Knight Aldrich and Bela Mittelman. It analyzes kinds of relations hips,
dynamics of interaction and inner mechanisms of interaction.Comparing marital
types of the mentioned authors it can be seen that there is agreement among
them and that they mainly represent further elaboration and "topic variation"
of the basic marital types which are discussed by Sigmund Freud: anaclictic
and narcissistic.Also, it can be concluded that all analysed marital types
possess several common characteristics: 1. they are defined by relationships
in childhood with parents or other important persons with whom a child
was in touch; 2. dynamics of partner relationships is defined by unconscious
motives; 3. same kinds of relationships and same type of partner selection
a person repeats in all further attempts in spite of the fact that it does
not give satisfactory results.
Key words: psychoanalysis, marriage, partner, choice, relationships
Rad se bavi razmatranjem tipova braka i bračnih odnosa nekolicine psihoanalitičara:
Sigmunda Frojda, Ane Rajh, Helene Dojč, Najt Oldriča i Bele Mitelman. Analizira
oblike odnosa, dinamiku interakcije i unutrašnje mehanizme interakcije.
Poredjenjem tipova brakova pomenutih autora utvrđuje se da među njima ima
saglasnosti i da uglavnom predstavljaju dalju razradu i "varijacije na
temu" osnovnih tipova braka o kojima govori Sigmund Frojd: anakliktičkog
i narcističkog. Takođe, dolazi se do zaključka da svi analizirani tipovi
braka imaju nekoliko zajedničkih karakteristika i to: 1) određeni su odnosima
iz detinjstva sa roditeljima ili drugim značajnim osobama sa kojima je
dete bilo u kontaktu; 2) dinamika partnerskih odnosa određena je nesvesnim
motivima; 3) iste oblike odnosa i isti tip izbora partnera osoba ponavlja
u svim narednim pokušajima uprkos tome što ne donose srećan ishod.
Ključne reči: psihoanaliza, brak, partner, izbor, odnosi