Vol.9, No 2, 2011 pp. 215 - 228
UDC 656.138

Dragiša Tolmač, Slavica Prvulović, Milan Pavlović, Dragana Dimitrijević
University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", 23000 Zrenjanin, Serbia
E-mail: dragisatolmac@gmail.com
The recycling process makes use of various methods and devices for providing the final product. These methods and devices are already used in mineral processing. Car recycling involves different procedures (manual separation, shredding and physical separation methods) which allow us to obtain the final product, floricane materials (metals, plastics, rubber, glass) suitable for the production of new material goods. Recycling is used to make economic gains, and gains in reducing pollution. The use of the recycled materials saves natural resources and energy. Recycling creates less air and water pollution than the primary production of raw materials. Recycling saves storage space, creates new jobs in companies engaged in the collection, production and distribution of secondary raw materials and saves considerable resources and the environment. The paper discusses the problems of recycling of motor vehicles at the end of their life cycle. It analyzes the motor vehicle recycling situation and provides an overview of optimal technologies. In recent years, in Serbia, there is a need to build a network of centers for dismantling and recycling at the end of the life cycle (ELV). The reasons for this are sustainable industries, environmental protection, harmonization of legislation with the EU, and so on. In this situation it is necessary to define the centers that have striking features of flexibility and adaptability, i.e. that are able to overcome the challenges of business during normal and emergency situations.
Key words: Recycling, Automotive, Optimum Technology, Analysis of the Situation

U procesu recikliranja se koriste razne metode i uređaji za obezbeđivanje završnog proizvoda. Te metode i uređaji se već koriste u obradi minerala. Reciklirana kola sadrže različite postupke (ručno odvajanje, pulverizacija i metode fizičkog odvajanja) koji omogućavaju dobijanje završnog proizvoda, florikanskih materijala (metale, plastike, gumu, staklo) pogodnih za proizvodnju novih materijalnih proizvoda. Reciklaža se vrši radi ekonomskih dobitaka kao i dobitaka u smanjenju zagađenja. Korišćenje recikliranog radi očuvanja prirodnih resursa i uštede energije. Reciklaža stvara manje zagađenja vode i vazduha nego primarna proizvodnja sirovina. Reciklaža štedi magacinski prostor, stvara nove poslove u kompanijama angažovanim na prikupljanju, proizvodnji i distribuciji sekundarnih sirovina uz uštede značajnih resursa i sredine. U ovom radu se razmatraju problemi reciklaže motornih vozila. On daje pregled optimalnih tehnologija. Poslednjih godina u Srbiji se javlja potreba za izgradnju mreže centara za demontiranje i reciklažu na kraju veka trajanja (ELV). Razlozi za to su održive industrije, zaštita životne sredine i usklađivanje sa zakonima EU i tako dalje. U toj situaciji je neophodno definisati centre koji imaju značajne odlike fleksibilnosti i adaptabilnosti, to jest, koji su sposobni da prevaziđu izazove biznisa u normalnim i urgentnim situacijama.
Ključne reči: reciklaža, automobilska, otimalna tehnologija, analiza situacije