Vol.7, No 1, 2009 pp. 119 - 136
UDC 658.51

Rado Maksimović1, Srdjan Petrović2
1Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
2Metals Banka, Serbia
E-mail: rado@uns.ac.rs

Abstract. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the development of procedures for the design of effective production structures of an enterprise. The paper considers the possibilities of making production structures more manageable by means of lowering the degree of complexity of those structures. Complexity of a production structure is a characteristic defined by the number of structural elements and their interdependence. Special attention is given to the influence of replacing the traditional approaches (individual and process) by modern approaches (group and product) on the complexity of production structures.
Key Words: Production Structure, Enterprise, Complexity.

Rad predstavlja doprinos razvoju postupaka oblikovanja efektivnih proizvodnih struktura preduzeća. Razmatraju se mogućnosti povišenja pogodnosti upravljanja proizvodnih struktura putem sniženja njihovog stepena složenosti. Složenost proizvodnjih struktura je karakteristika definisana putem beoja elemenata i njihove međusobne povezanosti. Posebna pažnja usmerena je na uticaj zamene tradicionalnih (individualnih i procesnih) modernim (grupnim i predmetnim) prilazima u projektovanju na složenost proizvodnih struktura.
Ključne reči: Proizvodna struktura, preduzeće, složenost